Tuesday 8 September 2015

September 8, 2015

Bob: Today was the transfer pick-up day. Starting about 11:30 we had missionaries in and out of the office most of the afternoon. I had to switch telephones for one set. They had to call our provider and attempt to move the contacts from their old phone to the new phone. After 90 minutes we finally gave up. Then I called our account executives and told them what happened. He could not believe it had happened. He was going to go check on it, but said we should try again and told me what to specifically ask for. He said if that tech can't do it immediately then get another tech that can. It is a real simple process. If it is it might be one of the few I have found so far.
Had some missionaries call that they were now a 3-some, but with only 2 sets of mattresses and box springs. They do have a couch that will work till Thursday.
Well it's time for bed. Hope all is well with everyone.

Bonnie:  We lived through another Transfer day. Our short talks went well this morning at 7:30 am. Then, it was off to the office to wait for the missionaries. Transfer Days are harder than MLC I think because there is a constant influx of missionaries with many different needs. I had enough planners this time, which I'm glad of. I have two special things I need to do--one is to email a new sister's mother about packages because she sends a special supplement to her daughter every month. Another is to check on two packages from England that have not been delivered yet. I called the Montreal Mission for the names of some missionaries there who could give a blessing to the husband of an investigator who was in a hospital in Quebec. But the most fun thing was seeing a raccoon come up to the window behind my desk! It seemed really big to me. One of the new Elders today saw it, surprised that it was there. When I saw it I guess I alarmed everyone. The APs ran after it and got its picture. We saw it later running along the back fence on the other side of the parking lot behind the building. What a day! Tomorrow it should be more quiet. One of the hardest things was to say good-bye to Elder Russell this morning. I'm sure he is home by now, enjoying the hugs of his family. One thing a mission does is make you really appreciate your family and friends. We really do love and miss you all.

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