Wednesday 16 September 2015

September 16, 2015

Bob: Today was an interesting day. Bonnie and I helped Brother and Sister Erickson check all the missionary cars at the Hamilton Zone Conference. There were 19 cars total. We checked the lights, tires pressures and tread depths, fluid levels, wipers, windows, for dents, broken pieces, etc. Had to verify the mileage and that all the paper work was in order. Took the 4 of us almost 2 and a half hours to do all of that. Thank goodness it was a beautiful day out. I'm not sure what you do on a cold or rainy day. Don't want to find out. The Ericksons will have zone conference tomorrow and next week on Wednesday and Thursday again. After that the next round of conferences will be in November. That could be bad. Heck, next week could be bad.
We left Hamilton and went straight to the office and stayed there till 6:15 and then headed home. Had to go to the laundry first though as a new outfit is supplying the laundry facilities. Got into our apartment at 6:55. Ate warmed up egg casserole and toast before taking off to the  Brampton Stake Center to attend Institute. It started at 7:30. Got there about 7:25. Finished that and left about 9:20. Took a young woman home and then we got home at 10:10.
Going to finish now and get ready for bed. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the late summer weather wherever you are. Good night brother.

Bonnie:  Yes, another totally crazy day.  I loved it, though, It's always fun to see and talk to the missionaries. There were two sets of missionaries at the stake center during Institute that I got to talk to and I love what they told me. I was outside of the class because of a phone call. The two Elders had had an appointment with a new investigator and were very, very excited about it. The two Sisters came down the hall with a returning member and introduced him to me. He had been baptized when he was 11 years old in Spain and has been inactive ever since. Through some roundabout way the Sisters made contact with him. He is very ready to come back into activity. It was great to see and talk with him a little. I could just feel the Sister's excitement and his as I shook his hand. I really enjoyed what I heard of Institute tonight. I have to miss Sunday School and Relief Society every week because of getting YSAs in to see the Bishop, so I really enjoyed the Spirit in the class tonight. And the YSAs have such strong testimonies. The subject is the Book of Mormon. How can that be beat?
Tomorrow Bob and I will be the only adults at the office. I hope all goes well for us. I know there are several problems brewing for Bob. Have a great day tomorrow, everyone!

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