Thursday 24 September 2015

September 24, 2015

Bob: Pretty good day while at the office. The day was interrupted by an unscheduled trip to downtown Toronto to deliver a bed, dresser, mirror and ironing board. The address is 117 Wolseley Street, Toronto. Try looking at that on google maps in the street view. I'm glad I wasn't pulling the trailer. You couldn't pay me enough money to live in that area. Way too many people.
We stayed at the office till about 7 tonight. Bonnie went and got us a pizza and a salad. She is downstairs putting the laundry in the dryer right now. We are hoping we can leave the office early enough tomorrow to come home and eat before doing the shopping. Planning on the Farmer's Market Saturday morning and then dinner at Caffe Demetre on Saturday night with the other seniors in our apartment complex. Demetre's is well know for its desserts. In fact, that is about all they serve. I'll have to save up some carbs before visiting this place.
Weather is beautiful outside. It gets warm in the afternoon, but it is much cooler in the morning and evening. The air conditioning for our building is being shut off tomorrow. The heat will be turned on by next Friday. I guess it's time to open the windows again. We have run the a/c most of the summer, but only on the low setting. The temperature is set on 23 Celsius. I have liked it, but the captain has been cold at times. Right now she isn't saying a word so I guess it is okay.
Hope everyone has a great night. Good night brother.

Bonnie:  I got some good things accomplished today, especially with the baptisms. Of course, with that, one is never completely caught up! It's a wonderful thing that we are in a mission that sees lots of baptisms. Now, the important thing is retention and getting the new converts to the temple. I was feeling good about things until on the way home, when I saw an email from President Clayton that was written about 6:30 am this morning. He asked me to compose a letter reminding all of the missionaries of the importance of getting the baptismal information to me asap so I can process it quickly. That will be the first thing on my list to do tomorrow--actually I may write something up tonight depending on how late it is when we're done with the laundry. Tomorrow I will also begin making the ESL flyers for MLC, which is Wednesday.
I hope everyone is enjoying Fall wherever you are. It's a beautiful time of year!

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