Wednesday 2 September 2015

September 2, 2015

Bob: Another peaceful day in the office today, but things are going to start picking up with transfers coming Tuesday. We are opening 3 new areas. Tomorrow I'll have to discuss this with the Assistants as I think we are almost out of telephones. And I have 2 sets of missionaries needing their phones replaced. Can't order new phones till Monday when the new pricing takes effect. Thankfully, they come from a warehouse locally so I should have them by Wednesday. I think it will work out, but it is going to be close.
The week after next we have Zone Conferences. That means the other couple is out of the office all day. That confines me to the office so I can't take off and close some apartments. We have 4 Zone Conferences and then the last week of the month will be here and we have MLC again. It will be a tight schedule but I have to go to Bancroft, which is 3 hours away without any stops, load up the truck/trailer and come home. Got another apartment downtown that is loaded with furniture that I have to empty too.
All of this furniture has to go someplace so today I rented another 10x20 storage shed. I'm hoping to get everything into the two sheds. Should be okay I think. Got the Elders to load it and stack it for me. My only cost will be lunch!!
Another senior couple stopped tonight and brought us a couple of sweet rolls he had made. I would recommend him as a baker. Bonnie is saving hers for breakfast, but I didn't want it to go bad over night, so I ate mine. Sugar should be high tomorrow morning.
Well, I have to get ready for bed. Hope everyone had a great day. Got real hot up here. I think I saw 91 on one reading. With the humidity it wasn't very comfortable.
Love to all,

Bonnie: I think I am finally getting the hang of IROPS, which is a statement telling how much money was spent on supplies. It has to coincide exactly with what I order from the Online Store/ Church Distribution. Staples orders also come with IROPS. I gave 4 of these to Bob today. I'm certain they are right. If not, I am in big trouble with the financial secretary! I also had time to check on baptismal records that I haven't received from the missionaries. One dates back to February 2nd of this year. It's vital that these records get sent to Salt Lake. There are 5 still that are not accounted for. I've talked to or left messages with the missionaries so this problem should be rectified soon--I hope tomorrow!! I also worked on the three histories that I am assigned to keep current. That's one task I really enjoy. I include monthly calendars, the weekly letters from President Clayton, pictures of all of the missionaries leaving and arriving, a list of the names of the monthly baptisms and an "Effectiveness" report that comes to me online.
We've had a visit from two Senior couples tonight--Bob has told you about the Barrett's stopping by with cinnamon rolls. Another couple stopped by on their way back from the Temple. Bob give him a new name tag that we had ordered for him. He was pleasantly surprised with the gift. So now, it's time for bed!!
Sleep tight everyone, and don't let the bed bugs bite!!

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