Sunday 27 September 2015

September 28, 2015

Bob: Has been a relaxing Sabbath, although it got a little hectic about the time we left for church. We didn't wake up till just after 8. About 9 I decided to take a walk thinking we had plenty of time. I was almost back home when I got a call that we needed to pick up 2 young ladies and take them to church. They live about 30 minutes from us and then another 30 minutes from the church. I said okay we'll try and get them. A couple of minutes later I get another call that we need to pick up Christine who lives in the opposite direction, but only about 10 minutes away. When I get home at 10:15 I told Bonnie about it. We hurried and got ready to leave about 5 minutes later than we wanted. As we left we forgot the muffins we were supposed to take to Munch 'n Mingle.
Turns out we ended up picking up just 2 of the 3 as the other one found a ride. But we found out the first young lady we picked up had to be back home by 4:00. That meant we couldn't take both of them home unless they missed Munch 'n Mingle. So we arranged a ride for the one living the farthest away. Then at 3:30 when we were leaving the other girl got a ride home with her ex-boy friend. So we ended up coming home without dropping anyone off.
Came home and read a little, but needed a nap!! Bonnie got me up in time for dinner.
Spent this evening updating YSA contacts in Mississauga with the missionaries serving down there.
Took a few notes during Testimony Meeting today. Among the things that were said:
1)  Life is like riding in a car - enjoy the ride and don't worry too much about the bumps in the road as they are going to happen.
2)  I was the lost child of the ninety and nine.
3)  Called my mother in China; we almost always argue because none of my family are members and I am so far away from them. This time we didn't argue. I knew it was up to me to steer clear of argumentative things.
4)  None of my family are members, but I asked mom to watch General Conference that is coming up next weekend.
5)  Revelations is hard to understand, but Rev 21:4 is so plain: when the Lord comes there eventually will be no more sorrow.
That is the best I can remember about what was said.
Hope everyone has had a relaxing Sabbath. Have a great week and good night, brother.

Bonnie:  It was a great day today! I really love listening to the YSAs bear their testimonies. It seems to always go over-time on Fast Sunday. It was crazy this morning with picking up the two young women, but well worth it. One of them who was seeing the Bishop, asked my advice on several things. I'm not too comfortable doing that, but I did my best.  She is doing a wonderful job with her non-member family and is a great influence on her 10-year old sister. She wants to serve a mission and is working two jobs and saving her money. She will make an excellent missionary.
The missionaries are doing their best at finding out about the less-active YSAs in Mississauga. There are two situations where I think we can help with giving rides to church. More on that to follow.
I am looking forward to conference next week-end. I absolutely loved Sister Wixom's talk last night at the Women's Conference!  All the talks were good, of course. And the music was wonderful, just fitting in with everything that was said. President Uchtdorf did well at speaking to the children and teenagers, I'm so grateful for our leaders. I know they are the right people at the right time to lead us. And who will be the three new apostles?
Sleep tight everyone and don't let the bed-bugs bite, (like they are in one apartment of Elders in the Toronto Canada Mission!)

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