Monday 4 January 2016

January 4, 2016

Bob: Pretty slow day at the office. Thought we had an apartment in Waterloo, but the Bd of Directors turned down our offer. We must be a bad risk. Waiting on word about 4 others, but nothing came in today. Need the apartments by next Tuesday. And I need some furniture for them.
FHE was interesting tonight. For a quick lesson we talked about seminary and institute. Lots of good testimonies about seminary from the YSA. Everyone was reminded that the Prophet has said, "Make Institute a priority."
The activity tonight was 'Minute to Win It'. We were divided into 3 teams. Then a representative from each team would do an activity. The highest score of that round earned a point for his/her team. I am proud to say that our team won 3 items and tied for 1st place. Some of the activites were: Bouncing ping pong balls into a drinking cup; pulling cards from in between cups so the top cup would fall into the bottom cup; carrying a ping pong ball on a spoon held by your teeth and dropping the ball into a cup; putting a chocolate cookie on your forehead and eating it without using your hands; holding a tongue compressor with your teeth and balancing marshmellows on it; juggling 3 large balloons and trying to keep them from hitting the ground. I was able to pull the cards out from between the cups and get 11 cups to fall inside the lower cup. But I came in second. The balloon balance winner only lasted 11 seconds.
Well I'm hitting the sack. Woke up early last night worrying about apartments. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  Yes, it was a great day today! Nothing came up that was hard to deal with except that it was the coldest day so far at 9 degrees! I was not cold because I wore all of my warmest stuff. I'm wearing a very warm coat that a sister missionary no longer wanted. I love the coat!!
The thing I enjoyed most was talking to a young woman who will be baptized this Saturday. She is a striking example of someone who grew up with negative examples and opinions of the church who overcame such and gained a testimony and decided to be baptized. She is hopeful that an older sister will come to her baptism. Her Mom is not sure if she can come. Anyway, she is a wonderful young single adult and I'm excited for her.
May you all have a good evening!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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