Sunday 17 January 2016

January 17, 2016

Bob: Our Sabbath has been a delight. The meetings were wonderful and we have had late afternoon and all evening to relax and snack!! You could say we are resting up for the challenges that will come starting tomorrow. I am a couple days behind on the rent payments and have about a dozen scenarios I need to check out before I pull the trigger to pay everyone. Hoping to get it all done tomorrow as I want to deliver furniture on Tuesday.
The weather has cooled off 14 degrees since this morning and it sounds like we live in a wind tunnel. The wind has been howling ever since we got home. Snow flurries scheduled for tomorrow so I will probably have reason to wear my new snow boots! I was hoping I wouldn't need them for a while, but they are polished and ready to go. Bought some wool socks to wear also.
Hope everyone's favorite team made it through the playoffs this weekend. I still have one team with a chance, but sounds like everyone is ready to give the trophy to the Panthers.
Love to everyone and good night brothers.

Bonnie: How I love the Sabbath Day! It truly is a day of rest for us. We have just spoken to one of our good friends at home in Lindon and caught up on all of the news. And I have contacted all of the missionaries that I need to about our less-active YSAs so I feel good about that. I'd like to talk to all of my kids but that won't happen tonight. I  hope to talk to two of them if I can before we turn in, though. Today in sacrament meeting we listened to President Russell M. Nelson's talk to the Young Single Adults of the Church from last weekend. It's a great talk about the "Millennials" of the church. Then, after Munch and Mingle and taking our three YSAs home, we have had the evening to relax and get ready for tomorrow. Bob will probably have to work late, so that means that I will have to pick up three YSAs and take us to the Brampton Stake Center for FHE. Then, of course, I need to take them all home and pick up Bob at the office. It's going to be another late night. But then, most Mondays are that way.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful Sabbath today and felt the deep love of our Savior.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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