Tuesday 19 January 2016

January 19, 2016

Bob: Got the final apartment furnished today. We had planned on leaving for Kitchener at 3:00. Well we left the office at 1:30 to stop at the storage hut and pick up a table which didn't take long. Then we stopped to buy 2 box springs. The first place where we stopped didn't have any in stock. The 2nd place had them in stock, but not at the store. We had to drive to the warehouse to pick them up. Once we were admitted to the warehouse loading dock area it took them about 20 - 25 minutes to bring them out to us. By this time it was almost 4:00. We had originally thought we would be in Kitchener around 4:00, but twas not to be.
The trip down required us to travel on 401. We were slowed down 4 separate times for accidents, etc. It ended up being almost 5:30 before we got to the apartment. The apartment actually is pretty nice. It might need some curtains, but other than that it is pretty nice and spaceous. In fact, Bonnie commented that she was jealous of their counter space!!
We finally unloaded everything, which wasn't too much. Helped the Elders put their bed frames together and got ready to leave. When we got into the truck Bonnie couldn't find one of her gloves. After searching everywhere and offering a prayer the glove was found between the seat and seat belt beside the passenger seat. A prayer of thankfulness for this tender mercy was then offered by the First Mate.
We finally got started home and realized that we wouldn't make it back to Mississauga in time for the start of Institute so we stopped for something to eat. Arrived back at our apartment a little past 8:00.
The wind is still blowing and that seems to make the temperature a lot worse than it really is. I think it got up into the high 20s today, but it felt a lot colder because of the wind. It is 25 right now. Tomorrow is supposed to be 26.
Going to turn in now. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  Kitchener seems like it is a nice place. There are some beautiful churches downtown. I do like the apartment we were in tonight. The kitchen is twice as big as mine, which is a shame because it will be used by two Elders! Oh, well, I'm happy for them. On the way home we stopped to eat at Tim Horton's. There seems to be one on every other corner. I had one of the best soups  I've ever tasted there-- a roasted red pepper gouda. It made the trip well worth it. It's fun to help get the apartments set up. It makes a nice break from the office, especially because Sister Cannon is there to cover for me. Tomorrow there will be a special broadcast from Salt Lake for all missionaries at noon our time. It will be wonderful, I'm sure. We'll let you know tomorrow all about it.
I hope everyone is staying warm this winter. I'm doing my best at it, believe me! Sleep tight tonight.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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