Thursday 14 January 2016

January 14, 2016

Bob: Delivered furniture to the Midland Elders today. Just got home about 20 minutes ago. Took Bonnie with me. Midland is north of us and sits on the Georgian Bay. They have at least a foot of snow. It has been snowing up there for 3 days, but not while we were there. Driving there was like driving through a winter wonderland. We got off the main route and for the last 30 minutes or so it was a two lane road through two or three very small towns without any stop lights or stop signs. The highway was just like a black ribbon surrounded with white frosting everywhere. It was very a beautiful and relaxing drive.
To unload we parked behind the apartment in the city parking lot and then carried everything about 100 yards and then up to the 2nd story. The apartment is over top a Chinese/Canadian Restaurant. Don't ask me what Chinese/Canadian is, but that's what they advertise. I think it must have been at least 15 steps up the stairwell, maybe more.
Elder Fenske and and his wife are also in Midland. After we unloaded everything they had the 3 Midland Elders, Bonnie and I over for dinner. She had fixed baked ham, funeral potatoes, fresh fruit salad, corn, white rolls, and home-made cookies for dessert. Waddled out of their place and back to the truck.
The drive home was okay and I spent most of the drive in the left lane passing cars. Had to pull over occasionally to let someone around me, but we made good time. It snowed most of the way until we were almost back to Toronto.
Thankfully we didn't have to stop and drop off anything to some sisters!! However, we took some paperwork with us and forgot to leave it!!
Time to go to bed. Hope everyone had a great day. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  It was a beautiful drive, and I like how Bob has described it. It was so nice for the Fenske's to have us over for dinner. And let me note that it was  Elder  Fenske who made the cookies. In fact, he is known far and wide for his delicious cookies! He sent lots of them home with us which we will put in the office for all to share.
Of the three Elders, two are brand new. One is waiting for his visa to come so we don't know how long he will be with us. They seem like very sharp, obedient Elders who will do well. The third Elder is a great young man who has had lots of experience. And it's a good thing because he has not worked in Midland before. He has been a Zone Leader the past few months and will go home in two transfers. So, according to the new "norm," he has been made a trainer. The President wants our best Elders to be trainers of the new Elders, and set the example of what excellent  missionary work is all about. I think it is working very well.
Again, it's another late night and we are both tired, so pleasant dreams everyone!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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