Sunday 24 January 2016

January 24, 2016

Bonnie:  It's been a wonderful day today.  President Evershed conducted because each member of the Bishopric is out of town. He shared a missionary experience from his son who is serving in Equador. He and his companion had planned to go tracting on a Wednesday, but his son felt like they should go on a Tuesday. He is a tall, blonde missionary who wears contact lenses, but because he had lost one of his contacts this day he was wearing glasses. They knocked on a door and the woman who answered was shocked. She had had a dream where she saw a tall, blonde man wearing glasses that would share with her the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Lord is in the details of our lives, for sure! At Munch and Mingle I talked with a young single adult who is taking the temple prep classes. He is a sharp young man who has his own business. He will be getting his endowment at the Toronto Temple soon in preparation for his temple wedding, which will be the first part of March at the Montreal Temple. He has only been a member just over a year. His fiance is a french-speaking young woman from Montreal who did not know much if any English. She went on a mission to Utah where she learned to speak English, of course. This young man is from India and did not know any French, so it really was a miracle that they met. And to top it all off, his sister is flying in from Germany to be there at the festivities, and she will be baptized by him the day before or the day after the wedding. What a very special few days for this young man, his fiance and sister! His parents live in India and he says that they are supportive of what his is doing. Again, the Lord is in the details of our lives.
The baptism went well this morning. That will be the third baptism in a very short time. And we learned in Gospel Principles class that two more young men will be getting baptized the first part of February. The missionary work is going forward very well in this area. It's a miracle to me. And I love to be part of it, even if it's a very small part.
Happy Sabbath, everyone.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: We had our first couples monthly FHE tonight at the Cannons. The Conrads were their partners and they did the dessert. We had 4 Temple couples, the 3 office couples and the Budgetts. Two couples, the Laus and Laquas live other places and did not attend. Next month the Backus' will be with us and that will make 11 couples. We took turns and read the talk, "Why the Church" given by Elder Christofferson in the last General Conference. Of course we got off track a little but the comments were all good.
Sonu Chibber, a YSA from Mississauga, was at church again today. I believe that is 3 weeks in a row that he has been there. He is very shy, but was quite chatty with us at the Munch and Mingle. He gave me his address and said we could pick him up for Institute on Tuesday night this week. He usually works evenings, but the days vary each week and he can come this week. We will see how it goes. I found out that the A/P's have an appointment to visit he and his family Thursday morning. Hopefully we'll give him enough encouragement that he will fill confident enough to keep coming. He did not go into Priesthood class this week, but he told me he would go with me next week.
The weather has been very mild today. The high was predicted to be 32 and think it got just a little warmer without much wind for a change. The highs for the next 5 days are supposed to be 35, 40, 28, 33, and 35. That's not too bad for the frozen north is it?? Sister Martin's weather prayers are being answered. We are learning about the massive storm that has hit the eastern United States. Our family seems to be ok. It was so cold in Florida that the flag-football games were cancelled. It was 43'!
Well the clock on the wall says it's almost 10, so I think I will end now. Hope everyone had a great weekend and that tomorrow is your best day yet. Love to all and good night brothers.

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