Tuesday 12 January 2016

January 12, 2015

Bob: We had our first snow storm last night and this morning. Maybe 4 inches or so of snow. We left at 7:15 and went to the Stake Center. The main streets were slick. When we left the Stake Center about 30 minutes later the drive to the office was not good. Roads were packed down with snow and slick. Snowed some more during the day, but this evening when we drove to Mississauga the roads were fine. I think more snow is forecast to be coming soon though. I'll have to be driving in it the next couple days to deliver furniture and such.
Went to Institue tonight. Elder and Sister Budgett did a very good job and in my estimation I think they will be great teachers. They relate very well with the YSA. Our class had 4 chinese students tonight, plus Jeffrey, Charlene and her brother, Jeremy, plus Andrew whom we had not met before. So for Mississauga it was a pretty good turnout.
The wind is howling again and if we get near the windows you can feel a definite temperature change. And one end of the apartment is all windows. The other outside wall doesn't have much window space.
Breaking news: WVU men's basketball just beat the number 1 Kansas Jayhawks in Morgantown by 11 points I think. Way to go Mountaineers.
Well I'm going to get ready for bed. Hope your day was great. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  It was a very busy day. Transfers are harder than MLC if there are lots of changes, and today there were lots of changes. Somehow I will get the hang of when to order supplies. None of the supplies I wanted delivered for transfers were delivered today. I ran out of Books of Mormon, which makes me sad! There are several areas that were "whitewashed" which means that the two missionaries that were serving in a particular place were replaced by two new missionaries. AS Bob said, we met with the first-time, brand new missionaries this morning. They look like a good bunch of young adults. I hope they are able to settle in and get about doing their missionary work soon. They were so tired today, some of them. Some had not brought in their passports, etc. But on the whole they look great. We hadn't eaten by the time we left the office, so we stopped at Wendy's before arriving at the chapel for Institute. I agree with Bob that the Budgett's will be great teachers. We had a good class.
One special thing happened today. An  Elder who had to go  home for medical reasons had brought with him a digery-do, which is an Australian instrument that is similar to a bassoon. We are keeping it until the Elder comes back. Elder Cannon loves playing one, and he blew on it several times today. It's got quite an odd sound that I really enjoy.
Well, it's tme to turn in, so I will close. May we all find rest this night so we can do the most important things tomorrow!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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