Thursday 29 October 2015

October 29, 2015

Bonnie:  It's been another good day and I've been able to accomplish a lot. I'm gearing up for MLC on Wednesday. I now have all of the orders from all of the zones so I can see what we have and what we don't. I could do another order but things come up every day that we need and it won't arrive for about two weeks anyway. If I get my last order delivered I will probably be fine. I hope it comes on time for MLC.
I had an interesting experience today. I got a phone call this afternoon from a senior missionary in Australia. He is teaching a woman who has a brother in Toronto. He's talked to this man several times on the phone and he is interested in the church. When I asked him what time it was in Australia he said 3:30 am! He is so concerned about this man that he called me in the middle of the night! After I entered his information into the church's referral system, I called the missionaries directly to ask if they had received it. They said they hadn't. This makes me sad because obviously there are still glitches in this new referral program. I guess I will just have to call the missionaries directly when there is some kind of personal interest. And I'm going to call  SL, too. They need to fix the system.
Well, the wash is done for the week and the shopping list made. We'll do that tomorrow night. I can't believe how fast the time is going. It's almost November! Have a happy night, everyone.

Bob: Things seem to be going well at the office. There is hardly anything on my desk which makes me feel good as I have the messiest desk in the office. Matter of fact, my office is pretty messy. It doesn't help that the Mission Supply Secretary feels it is her right to place things out of everyone's sight in my office!! She is lamenting now about the Christmas packages she is getting with no place to put them. I'm going to hold out as long as I can though.
Bonnie left the office on time while I stayed to almost 6:30 working on the phone report. I have some information, but don't see how to speedily go through everything. And there just isn't that much time to spend reviewing the information. I can't look at it at home as I still haven't gotten the hard drive replaced on my computer. When I called the supplier he said the first shipment was lost in the mail and that the post office is paying him for the lost merchandise. He is supposed to reship it this week. And 2 weeks later it should arrive.
Had a great dinner tonight. Reheated some potato soup and finished up the caesar salad from last night. We made the soup last Sunday night. It seems to be better every day. There are about 3 more meals left according to the First Mate.
We are planning on going to RDs Southern Barbeque tomorrow night. The owner of the place opened a second location this past summer. We have been to the original restaurant twice, but I want to go to the new one. The Barrett's stopped in earlier this week and the owner came out and talked to them. He told them he missed seeing the Elders stop in for something to eat. He said he knew they didn't have much money to spend eating out, but if they were low on funds and needed something to eat they could stop in any time and he would take care of them. He even mentioned fixing a Christmas dinner for the Elders. We hope to talk to him about that tomorrow night.
Well I had better close and get ready for bed. Love to everyone and good night brother.

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