Tuesday 27 October 2015

October 27, 2015

Bob: Another late night. Institute is such a good time to mingle with the YSAs-- you don't notice the time slipping away. Good day at work as the new problems weren't too terribly difficult to deal with. Our CES couple is going home November 12th and we didn't think we were getting a replacement. However, today a name was put on the list for a CES replacement. Will have to scramble around and try and get another apartment in our complex as a temple couple is also coming November 20th. Always seems to be a challenge coming on the horizon.
The Institute lesson tonight was about spiritual crocodiles. They showed a video about a herd of water buffalo being attacked by a herd of lions. One of the buffalo calves is thrown into the water and the lions attempt to drag it out of the water. A crocodile grabs hold of the calf and a tug-of-war commences between the crocodile and the lions. Eventually the lions prevail and drag the calf on to shore. They get ready for a great lunch. About that time the herd of buffalo comes back with a determination to save their calf. They butt the lions, throw one into the air and eventually chase off the lions and save their calf. There is a lot of spiritual significance in this story. Sometimes we have to band together to help save the lost or separated one. Just lots of meaning to this. Think about it for a while and you'll see it too.
First mate says good night and that she will write tomorrow night.
Better get to bed. Love to all, and good night brother.

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