Thursday 22 October 2015

October 22, 2015

Bonnie:  It was a good day today, especially because I got to go to the temple to do some initiatories. Bob has some names that we are working on. There are now 4 endowments for me to do and one for Bob to do. It will be great to work on these over the next little while.
Today, I was able to go through the bags of clothing we received at transfers. I found 10-12 skirts that I will give to Sister Clayton. And there were lots of winter scarves and gloves to add to my collection. All of the rest of it will go to Salvation Army or Good Will. It's lots of clothing.
I was also able to catch up on the baptism/confirmation records. It's already time to put together the baptism packets that we send to the new converts. There are lots of  baptisms here. The problem is following up and becoming friends with the new sisters and brothers and making them feel loved and a part of things. With the new direction of President Clayton it will happen. There is beginning to be a real coordinated effort between the missionaries and the ward council and ward members. It's certainly the way to go.
One other thing I want to share. I received a call today from a Stake President in Calgary who wanted to know if we had any missionaries who spoke Farsi/Persian. He had a missionary from his stake contact him from Armenia, I think, who has a Farsi family very interested in the gospel but no one to teach them in their language. He is contacting the President about skyping some missionary lessons to this family! This missionary heard that in Toronto there were missionaries who could do this. There are, and we know them. These are the young men who took us out to eat a while back! I love it!! I feel strongly that the gospel will be taught all over the world beginning in places like Toronto and Los Angeles where there are many cultures and languages. It is exciting to be part of it!
Happy evening to all.

Bob: While Bonnie went to the temple I stayed at the office and worked on many items still lying around the office. When I thought I was done I remembered that it was time to clear up the credit card purchases for the month. We have a few recent ones still outstanding. But we have some over a month old that have not hit our credit cards yet. It seems that quite a few charges have been made, but they are not showing up on the cards. Don't know why that is. I parked the truck and trailer in our parking lot one night in August and paid with a credit card. It hasn't shown up. When we were in Temiskaming I bought some gas with our debit card and that charge never showed up. President Clayton purchased over $160 worth of blankets and sheets for the missionaries at a store and it has not shown up either. Elder Erickson has 2 or 3 car charges that aren't showing up. Maybe they'll come through at one time some day.
We thought we would be able to retire early tonight, but we have to wait for the CES couple to stop and pick up a blow-up bed for their son who is coming. Don't expect them to be here till sometime around 10:30 if we're lucky. The good thing is that it gives us plenty of time for the blog.
Better call it a night now. Everyone have a good Friday and great weekend. Good night brother.

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