Monday 26 October 2015

October 26,2015

Bob: Don't have much time as we just got home right before 10. Took a young lady home after FHE and the freeway exit was closed. Had to go to the next exit and meander back to where we wanted to be. But it was fun seeing more of the Greater Toronto Area!!
They had a professional dance instructor teaching the YSAs some dance steps tonight for the activity. The dance didn't look too hard but the warm up looked very difficult as they were stretching and running. The Seniors got to be the judges!
Full day at work today as I was trying to get ready to purchase the monthly bus passes. With all the changes it took some time. I think we shut down 4 bus areas from last month and opened up one other one. If it's not right I get calls Monday that they need money to buy a bus pass.
Well I'm hitting the sack. Hope everyone had a great day. Good night all and good night brother.

Bonnie:   It was great fun to watch the YSAs interact with each other. I really wanted to get out there and dance with them, but none of the other Seniors did so I just watched. The Elders had an investigator there tonight. It was good because of the lesson that was taught in FHE. A young man who has been baptized a year taught about how the Lord can change simple, common people into prophets, such as Joseph Smith. Then he said he had been asked to serve in the temple and that he was very humbled by it. His point was that the Lord can take anyone and make them into what He wants if they are willing. I really felt the Spirit as he talked. After the lesson, while the others were learning their dance  moves, this teacher and the investigator talked quite a bit. I feel like it was a great lesson for this young man.
I'm going to bed as soon as I am done with this. Tomorrow is anther very long day. May your days be long and wonderful, too.

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