Tuesday 21 July 2015

July 21, 2015

Bob: Just a short note to say the computer is moved and we are up and running and Bonnie is a happy camper tonight. Without the desk in the living room the room up opened up. It seems a lot bigger and brighter. Now we need to more some things out of the apartment. Took 3 lamps to the car already. Have a desk and chair to move too. I think having the computer in the solarium will work just fine. We just need to come up with some way to get the ethernet cable out from under foot.Will take a trip to Home Depot and see what I can come up with.
Went to the Toronto Stake Center today looking for the missing postage meter. Didn't have any luck though. If you get a chance go to Google Maps and search for '25 Ferrand Drive, North York, ON'. That is the Stake Center. Doesn't look like your regular LDS church. It has 3 floors with a parking garage underneath. Its full of rooms and has a nice sized chapel. The maintenance man told me there is talk of adding an additional chapel on top of the one that is there. Never heard of anything like that. Don't know how old the building is, or who we bought it from. but it has undergone some extensive renovation to be converted from an office building to a church. It is about an hour away from where our office is right now.
Didn't work too late tonight, but Bonnie was able to find some invoices for some orders received from the Distribution Center that I have been trying to locate. Still missing about 3 invoices that I just can't find. Don't know what I did with them. Don't feel too bad though as the Mission President and his wife are missing a few themselves!! The auditor may slap our fingers!!
Got our Magic Jack phone working tonight. Called Joey in South Jordan and the call went right through. The volume wasn't too good so I'll see if I can get it turned up. If not it's probably time for a new phone. You can try calling 801-796-9616 and it should ring through.
Going to call it a night. Hope everyone is well.

Bonnie: I really like our living room, now. I'm so glad the computer is moved. It's like Bob has his own office. We just have to move two pictures and put up another one (if we can find one we both agree on) and then it will be perfect!
I have to share something funny that happened today at the office. The two APs are really good about livening things up. Each Monday they write a note along with the new baptisms for the week. This week it said, "Dear Office Omelettes..." and then something silly. Then, today they came into the office with the new Elder who is replacing Elder Ganosky next week, and he had a bag over his head--literally a garbage bag over his head! This was so he could remain unknown to the rest of the missionaries. What's funny is that the office couples already know who it is. They were just trying to make us laugh. And we did! I'm going to miss Elder Ganowsky for sure.
The name tag orders are really crazy and that's what is giving Bob fits. The missionaries who speak Chinese can order their own because they have to email the characters to be put on the name tag. Sometimes, these Elders neglect to tell me they are doing it. So, today, we found a $24 mistake in the charges Bob made because of one of these orders. Oh well. It will always work out, I think. I am praying for the Pitney Bowes thing to resolve itself in a fair manner. I hope they will let us get out of the contract without paying too much money and that they will find the missing postage meter.
We hope the weather is nice wherever you are. It's been beautiful here, with only one hot unbearable day, so far. May your day be glorious tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. That's interesting about your stake center! I asked my dad about it and he says approval for a second chapel would have to go through him. He hasn't heard anything yet! But he will let me know if he hears something.

