Thursday 2 July 2015

July 2, 2015

Bob: Not much to report today. Hope everyone is having a good summer.

Bonnie: Today was a nice relaxing day, in my opinion. However, it had its ups and downs. I went home early with Erickson's, to do the wash. Bob stayed late, again, to finish some things up. I hadn't heard from Bob and was just about to call him, when one of our neighbors who works in the temple,
was at the door with 3 jars of peanut butter. After thanking him he said there was someone waiting in the parking lot to get into the garage and maybe I could help him out. It was Bob, of course. He had tried to call me several times but I didn't know it because my phone was on vibrate. In order to get into the garage, or into the building or into the laundry area or workout room you need to use a special fob and Bob has lost his. Needless to say, Bob was glad to see me. We are just lucky that the other couple had come home from the temple and answered their phone!
We've included a picture of our bedroom. The bedspread was left here by the sister missionaries that lived here before us. What you can't see is the rope that is holding the bedposts together on the headboard.

I was given two bulletin boards, which are almost empty (hint, hint to my family....) I was also given the shelves. And everything on the shelves is from Salvation Army! Not bad for under $20.00!.

The dresser scarf, tin of flowers and wooden cutouts were also gifts. It really brightened my day to see these things the day we moved in.

May you all have a wonderful evening!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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