Friday 24 June 2016

June 24, 2016

Bob: Today has been a good day. Started off by moving the remaining items we have for Wolfley's to their apartment. Brampton Z/L and Elder Forsyth showed up with Elder Budgett to help move everything. The Elders left and I went to the office. Elder Budgett went to Home Depot and got the necessary hardware so he could put Wolfley's dining table together. He finished that and tightened up some wobbly chairs also. He was planning on coming down to our apartment Monday and taking our table apart, but I did it tonight. I am missing a long screw so I'll pick it up tomorrow at Home Depot.
This afternoon the Z/L came back with Elder Forsyth and we went to the storage hut and unloaded the items we removed from Wolfley's apartment. Then we loaded everything from the hut that we are taking to Temiskaming. I forgot to get 2 twin bed frames, so I'll go back and get them tomorrow as well as some tape. Parked the truck at the Mission Home so we don't have to drive to the Mission Office Monday morning and pick it up. Elders Budgett and Youngberg are going to go pick it up Monday morning and we'll take everything out of the trailer and put it in the cargo truck we have rented. I am hoping to get everything packed so we get underway by 2 on Monday. That should put us there by 8 at the latest.
For dinner tonight the Erickson's, Cannon's, Wolfley's and us met the Clayton's at RDs for dinner. We had a great time and said goodbyes. We'll see the Clayton's briefly on Wednesday, but not very long. They will drop off the Shields and introduce them and then leave. When the new Mission President arrives he immediately takes over without much review with the current President. President Shields will hit the ground running. They arrive Tuesday afternoon and as I said come to the office on Wednesday. Transfers start on Monday and MLC is Thursday. Then they will travel the entire mission to meet the missionaries. It will be non-stop at a hectic pace for them as they begin their three year turn as Mission President.
Well I need to say goodnight. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie: Sister Clayton asked me tonight what are the most memorable moments thus far on my mission. I had to think for a minute but then told her that our experiences with the YSAs are very precious--especially when Ekam put her arm around me and gave me a hug when I needed one at a FHE. Then, I would say the relationships with the missionaries--seeing them grow so much, especially the APs. They are like my children! And, oh, the teasing from Elder Forsyth! I'll never forget the sisters singing to us after making waffles one morning at MLC. It brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it. The Clayton's are absolutely wonderful people. I love them so much. It has been such a great experience. It's hard to put into words.
So, we are close to being packed up. I will have help tomorrow morning packing the kitchen stuff up. Then, it's just our clothes. I figure that I will need to be dressed up (in a skirt) about 6 days between now and the time we leave for Temiskaming the second and permanent time. It's a crazy schedule, really. And we might have time to see one or two other special places as well as try out Schwarma Queen and the nachos at Burrito Boys!
Have a wonderful evening and week-end, everyone.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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