Thursday 16 June 2016

June 16, 2016

Bob: Another great day at the office. It was a short day because we left at 4:15 to pick up a few things at Walmart on the way home. Unfortunately, we didn't leave Walmart till almost 6:00!!!! Personally, I don't like Walmart that much, but a few things turned into much hunting for some things. Plus, Sister Martin did her missionary duty by engaging a lady in a long conversation and giving her a pass along card. She took our phone number.
Got home and after dinner we did the usual Thursday night job of laundry. But now we're ready to go for the weekend. Saturday will be a long day as we are leaving at 7:00 to go view some of the historical sites related to the underground railroad (when the slaves were fleeing the US and coming to Canada for freedom.) The first stop is about 2 hours and 40 minutes away and we won't finish till about 6:00. We plan on stopping for dinner on the way home too.
Elder Wolfley seems to be doing okay with the training. I'm trying to go over as many things as I can at least once. Then I go over again some of the main things he will be doing all the time. If he gets those down he can in time figure the others out.
Well I have to get ready for bed. Hope everyone had a great day. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  I don't have much to add. Tonight I figured out a plan of what we will or should be doing between now and the time we leave. It gets a little complicated when you think that we have to be out of our apartment on the 30th of June, and we want to stay for the temple trip for the missionaries going home, which is July 5th. We may be staying at Erickson's apartment for a few days. They will probably be going with their kids to Massachusetts from the 30th to the 3rd so we may be able to stay there. Then, the night of the 3rd, 4th and 5th we may be able to stay with our Bishop. He has offered us a place for a few days. I hope this works out. If I can help Sister Wolfley be prepared for transfers and MLC I will feel much better about leaving. And then we will be meeting President and Sister Shields during this time, too. Wow, it will be crazy!
I hope everyone is enjoying beautiful summer weather as much as we are. It's a gorgeous time of year and especially beautiful here in Brampton, the City of Flowers!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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