Sunday 8 May 2016

May 8, 2016

Bob: Hope everyone has had a beautiful Sabbath, and that each and every mother had a wonderful Mother's Day. Our day started early as we had to be to church by 10:00 for Vera's baptism. It was a lovely baptism, but didn't go quite as planned. The program was printed up, but a couple people didn't show up for their part and a couple of others changed parts. But it went off well.
For Munch 'n Mingle today the 2 Elders Quorums made taco salad for the sisters. We were worried we would run out of beans, cheese and guacamole, and we did, but the final stragglers got a little bit of everything.
We got home from church sometime between 4:30 and 5:00. I told Bonnie that I would like to take a short walk and a nap. So I laid down to think about it!! Guess which idea won out. Bonnie did something to cause me to awake about 6:45!! Feels real good though.
It was a nice day outside, but a little cooler than yesterday. I would take days like this all the time.
I remember several years ago getting the first computer in the New Martinsville Branch. It had WordPerfect as the word processing program. At the time I did not own a computer. It seemed like a good idea, though, that I learn something about it. So I started keeping a record of things I had read and heard about different subjects such as service, faith, baptism, etc. Eventually I accumulated several pages and continued to add to my collection. However, in time, other things took presidence and I quit. Today I revisited those pages and decided I need to begin adding to them. I hope in time it will be worthwhile to me and perhaps to someone else.
Time to go wash dishes and get ready for bed. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie: It was wonderful to talk to all of my kids and some of the grandkids tonight. I have wonderful daughters and daughters-in-law, each one deserving of the best Mother's Day ever! It sounds like each has had a wonderful day, as I have.  But, it's now quite late so I will have to quit. My love to all!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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