Sunday 15 May 2016

May 15, 2016

Bonnie:  What an interesting day today. In spite of several things going wrong, it was a great Sabbath! First of all, there was a baptism today and the "baptizee" was late. He did show up finally and the baptism occurred. Afterwards there were supposed to be refreshments in the kitchen. Well, we share the kitchen with two other wards, and there was all kinds of food there. The person in charge was not with us at the baptism and everyone else "responsible" were in Ward Council meeting. We called him on the phone and he told us it was the stuff in front of the microwave. Nothing was in front of the microwave, but we found what we thought he had brought. It worked out OK. Then, I went into the washroom and found a huge puddle of water on the floor. There was only one mop in the building. The first counselor took care of that, thankfully. Then, the heat was off in the chapel and some of the microphones didn't work.  In fact, we heard the beginning of Jeffrey R. Holland's "Face-to Face"! That was resolved. And then, the Bishop told me he wanted no interviews from 2 to 3, after I had set up 4 YSA appointments during that time. Thankfully, one of the Assistant Executive Secretaries took care of that for me. We have several interviews already set up for next Sunday. In spite of all the issues today, I enjoyed the company of the other Senior couples and the YSAs. I will really miss them.
We had chili for M & M, with lots left over that will be frozen for another Sunday. Sister Finnigan had "kits" set up for next week's meal for us to take home and fix. She plans really good meals. The best part of the day was saying good-bye to a Sister leaving for her mission early tomorrow morning. And we had another missionary who has just come home attend today. One of our talks was by a newly baptized young man. It was an excellent talk. What blessings there are in this ward.
In a few minutes we will go upstairs to attend our Sr.couple FHE. The Youngberg's will be telling us about their first mission, which was to Jordan. I am fascinated with how knowledge of the church in the middle east is growing. It will be a great end to a very good Sabbath Day. I hope all of you can say the same!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob:  FHE was great tonight. Elder and Sister Youngberg had a Power Point presentation of their mission in Amman, Jordan. It was very interesting because there is a lot of biblical history in Jordan. Afterwards the refreshments were terrific.
There were a few problems at church today, but it all turned out well. The one thing that didn't get corrected that we 'yanks' noticed the most was the lack of heat in the building. In Canada I guess you get used to it and go on. Thankfully by Munch 'n Mingle it had improved quite a bit.
We were planning a big going home party for Elder Gleave on Tuesday. Just found out a few minutes ago that the meeting with the Claytons and the party has been moved to Monday. Will have to buy whatever cake they have available tomorrow morning. So sad we can't have it decorated like we have done for the other A/Ps that went home. We like to put "Return with Honor".
Well it is time for bed. Hope everyone is well. Love to all and good night brothers.

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