Thursday 12 May 2016

May 12, 2016

Bob: Today was the day they shut down the Church's financial operating system. The original instructions called for all payment and checks to vendors be processed by 1:15 MST. Well this morning there began to be intermittent problems with the accounting system. Things wouldn't work as they were supposed to work. Some things ever disappeared off the screen. I started emailing the guy in Salt Lake, Mark A, that has been sending emails about the shut down. After some investigation they surmised that with everyone all over the world trying to get their final entries processed the servers were swamped. They started scrambling to keep things running. Then they announced that the shut down had been delayed for 30 extra minutes to give some make-up time. So at 1:40 I emailed him again that the President hadn't approved my all my entries. He emailed back to try him one more time. When the President didn't respond, Mark A said he would get his programmers to approve them. I kept watching but nothing happened. Then my phone rang. Mark said try clicking on local checks. I did and there were the approvals. He said he would stay on the line while I printed them. When I finished he said, "You have gotten special treatment today. The whole church financial shutdown has been delayed just so you could print your checks! I'll be in touch. Good-bye."
Took Bonnie out to Popeye's for lunch. I was really disappointed. Thought there would be more fish items on the menu. The shrimp we got was pretty good, but I didn't see anything else I would want to try. I don't think it is the exact same as the USA Popeye's.
Going to my favorite place tomorrow, the Toronto Stake Center. I'll try and get some pictures of it. The main road to it is the Don Valley Parkway (parking lot is more apt)!! We'll start a little late and maybe miss the heaviest traffic. Have some financial records to look for there. For lunch I'm taking Bonnie and the Ossington Zone Leaders out to Mulan's. Went there a couple weeks ago and it was pretty good.
We got the shopping and laundry done tonight. Tomorrow night should be free. Not sure what we'll be doing yet.
Better get ready for bed. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  I am caught up on everything at the office except for one item. It's a nice feeling. Sister Cannon will be filling in for me tomorrow. I hope we can get back in time for me to complete everything.
I love it when we are able to finish both the wash and the shopping on the same night. It actually means we have a free night on Fridays. I would like to do an exchange at the Mall, but that is it. And, maybe there is a movie that we could see. I am planning on having the missionaries over for dinner on Saturday, and I hope we can attend the temple that day as well. That day is booked.
For the record, I like Popeye's. The shrimp was really good, as were the biscuits. We really are becoming connoisseurs of sorts! We certainly have our favorite places to eat.
I received a Mother's Day gift from Lori and  Scott today. I love the cards from Jackson, AJ and Gwynn, but the best part was receiving a picture of the entire family. I love it! Thank you,  Crossley's.
Sweet dreams, everyone.
Love, Mom/Bo

Our I Love You photo for the Claytons

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