Wednesday 25 May 2016

May 24/25, 2016

Bob: (24th) Up early today and off to the BSC. Had to be there by 7:30 to train the new missionaries. The last training session we will be involved with I believe. This is probably something I should let my replacement know about. Haven't written anything about it yet. Will add to the list tomorrow.
Very busy in the office today as missionaries started dropping in around 10:30 and they just kept coming. There were phone problems, receipts for reimbursement, and apartment problems. At 2:15 we had to leave for the temple session for returning missionaries. It was a great session with 14 returning missionaries 6 missionary couples, and Shannan and Tony. After the temple we had dinner at home and just talked about a family reunion. Bonnie will have more on this later.
Got to get to bed. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  Yesterday was a crazy day, as Bob has written. It was so busy in the morning, I couldn't help all the missionaries unless they wanted to wait their turn. It was very hard to get much done otherwise because of the distractions. I managed to do a Staples order, however. As is often the case, just after I ordered some stuff, someone wanted something else from Staples! Oh, well.  Shannan came with lunch for Bob from Wendy's, which made him happy. Just before we had to leave for the temple, Tony was dropped off so we could go over at the same time. The session was great and afterwards, we stayed for pictures. I sent Tony and  Shannan to the store for some things for dinner. By the time we got  home things were cooking nicely. And we had some delicious Ben and Jerry's ice cream for dessert!
Today we had a nice surprise. Elder Ganowsky came by with his family. Of course, he is now known as Garrison. He was one of our first APs. What fun it was to see him and meet his family. Then, I came home with the Erickson's. Bob will stay until about 9, I figure. He has lots to catch up on. I've enjoyed the evening listening to music and doing last night's dishes! And figuring out food for next week. I need these breaks. I'm feeling overwhelmed because MLC is next week. I have the usual planning to do. I wish I knew how much stuff to order! That is always the hard part.
We  have also enjoyed the summer-like weather this week. It's supposed to stay warm through the week-end, I think. It's great.
Happy spring, everyone!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: (25th) Been a real long day. Didn't take time for a lunch break. Just kept plugging away until dinner time. Left the office at 9:40 and had to stop at the post office to mail the rent checks. I managed to get our apartment application sent and the deposit check sent. Also got the application approved and check sent for the new apartment for the Temiskaming Elders. Sent an Intent to Vacate letter to Sister Powers, whose home we have been renting in Temiskaming. Bonnie helped me write that letter. All the missionaries have been paid their reimbursements and charged for the items they purchased. Paid some vendors. The rest are logged and ready to pay in the morning. Need to go over the medical payments I have reimbursed with Sister Cannon so she can file a claim with the insurance company. And we got our car license renewal before they expire. I was worried they wouldn't get here in time.
Tomorrow I have to meet with Vertica to sign the lease for the new apartment. I'm hoping to get everything done so I can take a trip to Hanover on Friday. The couple up there is going home next week and there are a few things we need to bring back to the office. It's about 2 hours up so we could leave in the afternoon and get home before it's real late.
Time to hit the hay. Love to all and good night brothers.

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