Wednesday 11 May 2016

May 11, 2016

Bob: Nice day at the office today. Got all the bills paid and the rent checks are ready to go out. Able to work a little on operating procedures. Tomorrow is the big day when the accounting system will go down. Hope to have everything paid before they pull the plug.
Elders closed down another apartment in Kitchener today. We don't have anything else going on now except the new apartment I am getting for the couple replacing Bonnie and I, plus a new apartment for the Elders in Temiskaming when Bonnie and I go up there. I hope that is it for a while.
Weather was very nice again. Should be two more days of it. Then rain.
Been walking in the mornings. The weather is just right for 2 shirts and my heavy sweatshirt. No sweat so far!! Things will heat up though.
Planning on going to the Toronto Stake Center Friday morning. We need to try and find as much payment history as possible for an apartment we just closed. They claim we are a month behind, but I think it is a mistake on their part. Another apartment had the same problem, but it was a mistake from the very first month that wasn't caught for years. The present problem goes back to September 2008. We may not have anything for 2008, but we'll look. Bonnie is going with me, plus the Ossington Zone Leaders will meet us there. Going to a Chinese restaurant for lunch afterward.
From Elder Holland: "You can have what you want, or you can have something better."
Better get to bed. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie: Today I was able to put away two supply orders, barely. I'm running out of room on my shelves! I figured out a way to add some Ilokano  materials which will be coming in soon. And it's even alphabetical, which makes me happy. But, I had to move the Japanese supplies to another place to do it. They are above the Chinese supplies, so it makes a little sense. I have to get creative to make room for everything.
One thing I neglected to do yesterday was to mention that I had my temple recommend interview with President Clayton. It was so neat to hear his counsel. He really knows the scriptures. He shared 4 scriptures about the atonement, all of which I have read many times, but not clearly understood. Then he counseled me to read Steven Robinson's book about the atonement. He said I should read that first, before I continue with Tad Callister's book "The Infinite Atonement". So, I will look into getting that book.
The next six weeks will be full of things to do as we pack up our belongings and furniture and say good-bye to Elder Gleave, our AP who is going home. Then, we will be saying good-bye to the Clayton's. I am so happy because we will get to meet the Shields, our new Mission President, on the 29th. They arrive the day before and the  Clayton's will bring them into the office that morning. The next day, very early in the morning, the Clayton's head for their home in Lehi, Utah. We will also leave that day for Temiskaming.
Well, have a good night everyone!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

PS I learned this from Sister Cannon about what she called is the last beattitude: "Blessed are the flexible, for they shall bend but shall not break!"  I love it!

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