Thursday 7 April 2016

April 7, 2016

Bonnie:  Unfortunately, Grace could not make our appointment today. She had to take a family member to the hospital. I think her family asks her to help them whenever they need it, since she is single and can pretty much determine when she wants to work. That  meant that we got to the office about 10:00 today, after doing a few errands.
We got all of the MLC stuff boxed up and were considering putting it out today in the foyer. But, then we saw that there was a wedding reception planned and they were starting to decorate the cultural hall. It will wait for tomorrow afternoon, after we hear President and Sister Clayton talk to all of the missionaries, which will be after three temple sessions in the morning. We were given the last session at 8:00 am. All of the missionaries that are the closest will be attending--I would guess maybe 75 to 80 or so. I am excited to be part of it! Then, of course, Saturday are the proxy baptisms for the dead for our newest converts and returning members. It is always a delight to be with them during their first visit inside the temple. Bob was able to give out some of Steve  Gibson's family names tonight, too, which makes our temple visits extra special.
I hope all of you have had a glorious day today. Perhaps it is starting to look like spring where you are. That would be nice! I hope spring is not too far away here.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: Doesn't seem like I accomplished much today although everything but one apartment's vacate notice is done. Made 2 trips to the storage shed to leave some items. Did a final inspection on an apartment with the landlord and gave him the keys. Did a few personal things with my credit cards and made a trip to the post office to mail the landscaper his money for last summer's work.
Tonight Bonnie got the wash caught up and we both relaxed a little.
Tomorrow I'll have Elders Cannon and Erickson do a couple of names for Steve Gibson and we'll have over half of them done. We did 5 names last weekend. After tomorrow there will still be 5 males left.
I'm going to cut this short and go to bed. Tomorrow will be a long and tiring day. Want to get my rest so I am ready for it. Love to all and good night brothers.

Our "Heart Attack" with  Sister Cannon peeking through the door!

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