Saturday 16 April 2016

April 16. 2016

Bob: Today has been an interesting and busy day. First, we got up at 7:15 so we could fix scrambled eggs, bacon, home fries and toast for the Youngbergs. They had to leave a little before 9 to meet with President Clayton.
After they left I got ready and went for a long walk outside. The weather was beautiful today. Wore a sweat shirt over my long-sleeved 'Canada' shirt, Ended up pulling my sleeves up and unzipping the sweat shirt to stay cool. But tonight my legs are sore from the walk I think.
This afternoon we attended a 3 hr Black History Summit at the Etobicoke chapel. It was really interesting especially the keynote speaker, Darius Gray. You may have heard of him as he is a member and is a pretty popular speaker. He is giving a fireside tomorrow about the blacks in the Bible. That sounds pretty interesting. Today he basically talked about his getting started in genealogy and had lots of pictures of his ancestors, back to his grandparents.
Another speaker, Thom Reed, the next to last speaker, gave an excellent presentation on the Freedmen Project the church is currently sponsoring. The African Americans have a great deal of trouble doing genealogy earlier than the 1870 Census. The Freedmen Project is the digitizing of the Freedmen records of the government agency that was set up to help the freed slaves integrate into mainstream society after the Civil War. So far 1.4 of 2 million records have been done. They are trying to get this done by June, 2016. I thought Freedmen was the name of a person, but Brother Reed made this interesting statement that explains the agency set up to help the black Americans. He said, "The people had gone from freedmen to freedom without anyway to ..."
After the conference we went with 9 others and ate at McNies, a fish and chip place. It was fun but I passed on the chips. I think it's time to get serious about my caloric intake or I'll have to go shopping for new pants and shirts!!! Maybe I shouldn't have purchased so many slim shirts.
Have to run now. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  It was a delightful day, and so interesting to listen to the presenters at the Summit. There were also some very good displays in the cultural hall. It showed the size of the "boxes" the slaves were put into to cross the ocean. How disgusting is the whole idea of slavery! Canada played a major part in helping them escape from the US. And the anti-slavery book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was written about a Canadian black man. Some of the Seniors want to go see the cabin, as well as some of the historic sights for the underground railroad. It's a testimony to me of the accelerated genealogy work that is going on for these families who were torn apart and never had an identity. It's an exciting time to be doing indexing!! There was a small ensemble there from the First Baptist Church that also performed. They had us all clapping our hands and smiling as we listened. I know the Lord loves all of his people. It's powerful to see what is happening for the Blacks and genealogy and the gospel.
Tomorrow is the Sabbath Day. I have not been asked to prepare anything for Munch and Mingle and so far we are only picking up Belinda. I also have only 3 or 4 interviews with the Bishop lined up, so it will be an easy day. Maybe I can go to Relief Society!!
May our Sabbath be spiritual and uplifting is my hope for all of us.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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