Wednesday 6 April 2016

April 6, 2016

Bob: I thought Bonnie was going to start, but she is doing a Sudoku puzzle and can't seem to break away. Today the weather turned bad between 9 and 10. Elder Erickson pulled out of the church parking lot and attempted to turn left. He went straight across the street and almost hit the curb. So he just backed across the street back into the parking lot and waited till later in the day to leave. It will start getting better next week as the forecast is calling for mid-forties to 50.
Got most of the work caught up today. Had time to work on my computer files. Trying to get them organized so I don't have to skip all around to find things. Want to put all the accounting files in one folder, the housing folders in one folder, etc. It will take some time but it should be doable.
Found out today that the transfer next week involves 76% of our missionaries. I can foresee problems with bus passes for one thing. Found out that we are closing the Val d'Or, Quebec apartment next week. Asked the A/Ps who would be the ones to clean the apartment out so we turn it back to the landlord. Uh!! That apartment is almost 90 minutes from the closest set of Elders. So they immediately called the Elders and told them the apartment needs to be spotless when they leave. We will see.
We have a set of Sisters that want to move out of their present apartment really bad. So we have decided to close it too. We called them today and they are very happy to be moving out. They said they would have it cleaned spotless and all the junk thrown away by Tuesday. Told them we had to have it super clean as we were turning it back to the landlord and if it wasn't clean that they would have to go back with the Z/L and clean it till it was. They said not to worry as they want out of there so badly that will make it shine as they say good bye.
Have to meet the Palm Tree landlord tomorrow and tell him we are not going to repair the wall. I think he will finally see that we didn't cause that problem.
Better get to bed. Love to everyone and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  Today has been a good day because Sister Cannon and I have pulled the supplies for 6 out of the 10 zones for MLC. I also finished the "Daily Dose" flyers, (formally our ESL flyers.) Everything should be done for MLC by tomorrow when we leave because of the temple sessions Friday morning. It will be followed by a mission-wide meeting with President Clayton and his wife. He will be answering questions and talking about his new calling as a General Authority Seventy. We will probably get back to the mission office by noon. Then, after having lunch and a short meeting, the zone leaders will be going to the office for their supplies, mail and packages. It may turn out to be a long day!!
Bob and I have had a great night tonight because we got home just before 6:00. I was able to cook dinner!! I  miss that sometimes. We've been doing relaxing things like listening to Neil Diamond music, and, as Bob wrote I've been able to do some sodoku. Bob did some stuff on the computer he needed to do.
Tomorrow morning we are having another discussion with Grace. It will be at 9:30 at our apartment. That means we won't get to the office until about 11:00 probably. We hope it goes well. I sincerely hope she desires a testimony of the Book of Mormon and of Joseph Smith. She is someone I consider "golden", very prepared to receive the gospel.
Well, we're going to get to bed on time tonight. Sweet dreams, everyone.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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