Thursday 28 April 2016

April 28, 2016

Bonnie:  It's been another busy day today. It's always hard to know what to do with everything when an apartment gets cleaned out. When Bob came back he had lots of stuff. Some of it can be used in the supply room, but much of it cannot. What should I do with an old set of scriptures that has been underlined and written in? What do I do with old papers from a certain area? I guess that's a question for the APs. Then, there is the clothing. Salvation Army gets lots of stuff from missionaries who have left! I'm glad I don't have to see what Bob ends up trashing. I'm also glad that much of it will go to those in need through places like the Salvation Army and  Value Village.
It was fun to take the Clayton's to the airport this morning, although I'm feeling the full effects of it now. I'm really tired tonight.
I did finally do 7 out of the 8 Baptismal and Confirmation Records this afternoon, and I checked in my last big order. It's lots of work to go through the boxes and then transport the materials to the supply room and get them on the shelves.  Two sister missionaries also came in to wait while their "TIWI" got put into their vehicle. They helped me in several ways. I'm grateful to them.
Yesterday, when two shipments of name-tags came in, one cost $38.91 extra!! When I called to find out why, Canada Post just said that the people at the Border randomly pick out certain items to be searched. And when they do, the receiver is slapped with charges payable upon delivery of the package. It looked just like the other package of name-tags that came that day. Oh, well. There's not much I can do about that now.
Unfortunately, Grace had to cancel her discussion this morning because of a last minute thing she had to do with her real estate business. I am hoping she will be able to attend a baptism tomorrow night with us. Please keep praying for her.
I'm going to call it a night. Let's make it a good one, everyone!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: Up bright and early and off to the airport with the Claytons. Got them there in plenty of time I hope. Never know about customs.
Then it was off to Mississauga to clean out an apartment. Had 4 Elders show up. We didn't stay long. Told them to load it up and let Salvation Army have anything they wanted. Still a lot of items left, but we aren't keeping much. Really no place to put it. I have enough to stock 3 to 4 apartments so I'll give away what I can from the other apartments and junk the rest of it.
Our appointment with Grace fell through again. She texted that she had an apartment inspection come up that she had not planned on. She may be beginning to cool off. She said she would reschedule.
Went to office and spent most of the day there. Had to leave to look at what the Elders brought back from Mississauga. We have several things to throw away but our dumpster was full. Maybe tomorrow we can get it unloaded so we can fill it again!!
Better call it a night. Bonnie is doing laundry and I was entering charge-offs for the name tags. Had a total of 68 entries. It would have taken a lot longer at the office with interruptions. Wasn't too bad here.
Love to all and good night brothers.

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