Thursday 5 November 2015

November 5, 2015

Bob: Pretty quiet day at the office. The Erickson's flew out to Salt Lake City at about 1:30 to attend her mother's funeral. They are planning on being back Monday afternoon. The A/P's are away on exchanges the rest of the week. Bonnie and Laura left around 3:30 so I had the place all to myself. No one showed up except a Staples driver with a small order. And then President and Sister Clayton showed up about 5:30. He brought the truck and cargo van back from North York.
Made some more headway on the text/phone report today. I think I have a final result of what we need. Now I need to figure out how to get the information for several companionships at a time. Thought of an idea on the way home so I am anxious to try it out tomorrow.
Bonnie is right about the weather. It is so nice. It will cool off this weekend but  not too bad. I just looked at the forecast for the next 10 days and it will be at least 49 or warmer every day. That's not too bad for us. It could be a lot whiter!!
Hope everyone is doing great. Love to all and good night brother.

Bonnie:  It's been a great day! I got home in time to cook another pork roast for our pulled pork sandwiches Saturday night and also do the wash. Today I completed three orders.  I ordered 22 boxes of Books of Mormon in English and 2 in Simplified Chinese and 1 each of Portuguese, Spanish  and French. We only have three boxes left of the English ones. I also ordered some specialty items and stuff from the Online Store. I hope it's quiet tomorrow and Monday as we try to run the office without the Erickson's. The big challenge will be getting all of the information for the convert baptisms correct before Saturday when they will come to the temple for the first time.
It's so warm outside, truly an Indian Summer here. I'm even warm in our apartment. I haven't been wearing any extra layers at the office, either. Apparently this will change as soon as Saturday, though. I love it!
May everyone have an Indian Summer, too, and enjoy the warm before the storm!

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