Monday 2 November 2015

November 2, 2015

Bob: Just got home a very few minutes ago and it is 9:40. Had dinner with some of the other Seniors at Brother and Sister Luldows at 5:00. At 6:30 we left for FHE at the Stake Center. Stopped to pick up one of the YSA but she had already gone early to the Book of Mormon reading group party. They finished the Book of Mormon yesterday and so they celebrated tonight. We got there in time to participate, but we had already eaten. It was tempting though.
Found out some interesting news today. I am trying to rent another apartment in our building for an incoming couple. The leasing agent informed me today that they require the lease to be in the name of the tenant and not the name of the church. The church can be the guarantor, but not on the lease. That is a very interesting because the 7 apartments we have all in the name of someone who is no longer here! I told the agent we need to get that changed and she just didn't know what to do. She is going to check with some higher ups and get back. I am betting they don't call us back all week. I will keep you informed.
Well I'm going to close for the night. It has been a pleasant day with mild temperatures. Don't know how long these temperatures will hold out, but we are liking it. Love to everyone, and good night brother.

Bonnie: It's been a nice day, but I'm glad to be home. Today I found out that I had goofed up the ESL business cards and had to order some more correct ones. I pray they get delivered by MLC. I don't know if they will. Tonight Bob presented Sister Ludlow with tickets to see "A Christmas Carol" and some money to use for a meal out. She loved it. I'm so glad we did it. Everyone pitched in to pay for it. She has put on Family Home Evening dinners for 25 years. That's a lot of food she and her husband have prepared and a lot of work they have done for senior missionaries. She is a special lady! We also met the Matheson's tonight. They are a new Temple couple from Cedar City. They seem very nice and will also be coming to our apartment Saturday night as we celebrate the Barrett's leaving us. I'm so sad to see the Barrett's go. They are incredible people who have served the Young Single Adults every day of their mission.
Well, I'm going to bed soon. Tomorrow we have to be to the office early to "train" a new Elder that has just come into the mission. Then, we will be preparing for MLC the rest of the day. If we get done in time we will go to Institute tomorrow night. We need to be prepared to do waffles on Wednesday, too, because it's our turn. The Erickson's will do the candy dish by the supply room for MLC.
I hope everyone has done something with family or friends tonight. Our relationships are the most important thing in this life, especially with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our Heavenly Parents!
My love to all,

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