Wednesday 18 November 2015

November 18, 2015

Bonnie:  We were able to leave fairly early tonight! Life is good here. There were two big orders that came in late this afternoon, for which I am so grateful. It means I will have many of the things the missionaries will need for Friday's MLC. Because it's so soon after the last one, there will be no big orders to fill or any ESL supplies to prepare. But, there are always a few "hot" items that I need to have on hand such as planners, media/referral bibles, the four standard works in pocket size, "I'm A Mormon" pass-along cards, and "The Restoration" DVD. Oh, and full boxes of Books of Mormon. I should be ok with what I have now. I never know for sure, however. Today a missionary asked me for a Book of Mormon in Burmese. The church doesn't make those, but they do make a Thai translation, so this will work for them.
Just as we were getting ready to leave, the Erickson's came in to pick up the mail for zone conference tomorrow. They looked so tired! They had many more cars to inspect today than yesterday, and no help until the afternoon. I'm sure they will be glad to finish up zone conferences tomorrow. And then, after MLC on Friday, they will have to move to our building on Saturday! Another couple is coming here and will need their first floor apartment. So, life goes on and the missionary work goes on, too.
It's getting colder each day. Now I need my heavier coat. But, the sun still seems to shine, for at least part of every day. I like the weather here so far!
Have a wonderful day tomorrow, everyone.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: Got caught up on most things today except for the Vertica lease. Got the Certificate of Insurance, but they didn't like something on it. Now Salt Lake has to request it be changed by a firm in Toronto, who in turn sends it back to Salt Lake. Then they send it to the Vendor and me. Can't wait to see what else they find wrong the next time. I called the realtor tonight and she is looking for something else close to here. If I can find it we are on our way out of here. We can keep the 7 apartments we have, but as a couple goes home we will close it down and move elsewhere. Us and the Ericksons need to be closer to our office anyway.
The weather is wet right now. Started raining this afternoon before we left the office. Chance for rain until about 1 tomorrow. Temperatures will be in the 50s from now until about 4 tomorrow afternoon. Then they drop to low 40s and high 30s throughout Friday.
Been going round and round with ATT. They suspended my phone at a reduced rate on May 4th for 6 months. They turned it back on again on Nov 1 and activated the mobile data without me knowing it. When I found out about it on 5th or 6th I had incurred over $50 for data overage charges. They aren't willing to back off anything so far. We'll see what tomorrow brings. My contract is up on November 5th and that's when I say good-bye to ATT. I hope the $50 helps them to a record year!!
Did get the Ossington Zone Leaders a new apartment though. We're keeping the realtor busy looking for apartments. Hope she can find one for the new CES couple that is nicer than what we have.
Joey called and said that Hannah totaled her car last night. Rear ended a tractor-trailer. The truck didn't even stop. Joey bought the car within the last month so I don't think she is going to like the settlement she gets. We'll see how GEICO treats her.
Got to hit the sack. Love to all, and good night brother.

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