Saturday 28 November 2015

November 28, 2015

Bonnie:   It's been another long, but fulfilling day. Dinner was fun with the missionaries. The turkey was done just right and the gravy turned out well. I was able to heat up the rolls in the microwave, so that was also good. We were taught about the atonement by the APs. It was very special and I felt the Spirit strongly. We have so much to be thankful for. It's an amazing thing. We have so many tender mercies each day. It is very evident to me that Heavenly Father is real and that He has a plan for us. And it's all possible because of the atonement of Jesus Chirst. We followed dinner with getting a few of the dishes done and then heading up to the Erickson's for their get-together. We were over an hour late but got to visit with several of the other Senior couples. We left a bit early because we still had cleaning up to do. That's all done now and I want to go to bed soon! In the morning before church I will be making two tuna noodle casseroles for Munch and Mingle. I have a pumpkin pie, too, because it is the birthday Sunday tomorrow, the only day we have dessert at M&M. I also want to get our Christmas presents ready to mail to our nine children. It will be a wonderful Sabbath!
Love to all, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: Bonnie has pretty much filled you in on our day. She did set up the christmas tree, but that is all that is up. The tree has lights on it already, but they don't work. We'll have to get some lights to put on it. I'm sure there are plenty of other things to put on it.
Did go over the Cannon's to see how they are doing. They appear to be pretty tired from their trip. They said they weren't going out today.
I made a trip to Staples and picked up some report covers that are needed at the office. Also went to Walmart and picked up a couple different christmas candies to set around the apartment. Got some quick links for the safety cable on our cargo van. The pin to hold the tongue on the ball keeps coming up missing so I would bet the one quick link we have won't last too long. A few extra won't hurt.
Elder Cannon has been asked to drive the van and cargo trailer to the Toronto Stake Center on Tuesday morning and pick up the Ossington Elders/Sisters being transferred and bring them back to the Brampton Stake Center. I don't know for sure, but he may have to take some new missionaries back to the Toronto Stake Center in the afternoon. We'll play that by ear. I hope he is a quick learner as I probably can't make 2 trips on Tuesday.
Well, I'm going to bed. Hope you have had a great Thanksgiving weekend so far. May the Sabbath Day be a blessing in your life tomorrow. Love to all, and good night brother.

Does anyone know what this might be?

Our staff Christmas photo

Our Thanksgiving guests: (l-r: Elders Baumgartner, Forsyth,
DePeiza, Patrick, Sisters Vance, Davis & Martin

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