Tuesday 17 November 2015

November 17, 2015

Bonnie: What a great day this has been. We went to the first part of Zone Conference this morning and listened to Elder Perkins, Sister Clayton, President Clayton and several of the missionaries. According to Elder Perkins instead of the term "meeting" we should call it a "revelatory experience" and come to such gatherings with personal questions. He had us write down two questions. I got help with one and feel I will get it with the other in time. After a huge lunch put on by the Oshawa Stake, we started inspecting the vehicles. Except for the misionary who put oil into the windshield fluid, things went well. In fact, two missionaries made cookies for the Erickson's, which they shared. That was a nice surprise. We then changed and listened to the end of a question and answer session and Elder Perkin's final testimony. Then, tonight, we had dinner with him at Clayton's. We have been well fed today, both physically and spiritually! It was wonderful to sit and ask our own questions to Elder Perkins tonight. Bob will probably share some of what he said.
Tomorrow it's back to the "old grind" I guess you'd call it. Except that each day there are new experiences. I'm sure there are a mountain of packages waiting for me at the office, some that are for Christmas and some that are supplies. Bob will probably stay late tomorrow night to catch up on his many financial/apartment problems. 
May all of my precious family and friends feel the love of the Savior tonight and tomorrow. I know he loves us all with a perfect love.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: It has been a good day. The 'revelatory experience' was very good today. It was about 50 miles to the Stake Center where we met. But it was good to get away from the apartment problems for at least a day.
I asked Elder Perkins tonight how President Monson was doing. Most of you probably saw him almost fall during his last Conference talk. Elder Perkins said that President Monson is in a wheel chair most of the time now. He does not have much energy and conference week had probably taken a toll on him because of all the meetings, plus Elder Scott's funeral on Monday of that week. His mind is still good, except he does have some problems with short-term memory at times.
One story Elder Perkins told us was about Elder Nelson. I think Elder Nelson performed one of the first heart transplants in China. After Elder Nelson retired from surgery he got a call from China that they wanted him to come over and do an operation on a special person. Elder Nelson explained that he couldn't do that for various reasons. The next day he got another call from the 2nd man in charge in China asking that he please come over and do the surgery. So Elder Nelson went to see President Benson and he told him to go ahead. So Elder Nelson went over and directed the team of doctors that performed the surgery and saved the man's life. I think that was in 1985. During the 30 years between then and now the church has sent various apostles to China requesting a meeting with all Chinese Saints, both natural Chinese and foreigners. The Chinese have always said no to them. They would allow the meeting, but without the Chinese and foreigners combined. This year Elder Nelson went to China and asked the same question. They said, 'For you, old friend, yes, you can have your meeting.' There is much more to the story, but the real point is the Lord is preparing China within for the gospel. Chinese Elders are teaching the gospel and the church is growing in China.
I had better get to bed. Remember, the Lord loves you no matter what. He may be sad with some of the things we do, but He will always love us.
Love to all, and good night brother.

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