Monday 16 November 2015

November 16, 2015

Bob: This day started okay then went south. Went to sign the lease with Vertica and it didn't happen. They have more concerns so I'll give it one more shot. After that I'll just get apartments elsewhere. They must not need the money.
Then this evening got better. We met at the Bishop's Storehouse for the YSA FHE. There were about 25 there and we did a lot of cleaning and other things that should help those that are there everyday. It was fun to get my mind off the bad experience with Vertica. We took a young man and a young woman with us. Both of them worked hard. The young man worked with me and he didn't stand around watching like some were prone to do at times. We moved pallets, swept and mopped under them. Then we cut the plastic off several pallets and stacked the items so they could be gotten to easily when filling orders. Ended up getting home about 10 after stopping at Wendy's. Had to check out their Frosty machine.
It's late and we have to be in Oshawa (about an hour away) tomorrow at 9:00 for a meeting with Elder Perkins, a visiting First Quorum of Seventy member. After that meeting we have to check the vehicles that the missionaries are driving. Tomorrow night we have dinner at the Mission Home with the President, his wife and Elder Perkins. Probably won't get home till about 8. So starting Wednesday I will be about a day and a half behind. Will be working late both Wednesday and Thursday this week.
Hope your day was fantastic. Love to all and good night brother. Bonnie sends her love.

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