Saturday 14 November 2015

November 14, 2015

Bonnie:  We've had a lovely day today with Brad and going to the temple. We were able to get the initiatory done for his great-grandma just before the endowment session.  I was able to take her name through. The big challenge this morning was getting breakfast. We wanted to go to Flips but it was a half hour wait. So, we tried to find a Denny's near the temple. We couldn't find that either. We ended up going to a place called Wimpy's. It was very good. After the temple we decided to go to the movies to see "Bridge of Spies" with Tom Hanks. It is a great movie! So, we're home now, relaxing and getting ready for bed. Brad will leave early in the morning and attend church in Barrie. He's got a 6-hour drive ahead.
I'm excited for a good night's sleep and for church tomorrow because it's tithing settlement. That means there are no appointments for the Bishop that I have to worry about. I can go to Sunday School and Relief Society. Yes!!
Happy Sabbath, everyone.

Bob: Yes, what a lovely day. Was so nice to have someone visiting. Slept in till almost 8, but only did a half hour walk with Brad this morning. Been trying to do an hour's walk on Saturdays.
The reason we couldn't find Denny's today is because it has closed down. However, the Wimpy's was very good. Want to go back and try one of their burgers.
Really enjoyed the movie tonight. I'm trying to remember if Tom Hanks every made a bad movie. The big bag of popcorn helped make it a great night.
Magnolia won their playoff game 54 - 22 over Van, but Valley bowed out to South Harrison 53 - 12. Thus we won't have a state championship game between the 2 of them.
I hear the wind howling outside. It wasn't blowing too bad today while we were out, but I had to break out my scarp to keep my neck and head warm.
Going to hit the sack now. Love to all and good night brother.

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