Thursday 4 June 2015

June 4, 2015

Bob: Today wasn't too bad at work. I took the pickup and trailer this morning to Markham to move a set of elders into a new apartment. They were excited to get into the apartment. They had been living with 2 other elders in a basement apartment. It wasn't bad, but the new one is an improvement. It has a very fancy entry way. It's like walking into a 5 star hotel. Very elaborate. In fact. we had to pay a $400 move-in deposit in case we scraped a wall, etc. Thankfully, no one touched anything to my knowledge. We finished before 11 so I thought I would be back before 12. Didn't turn out that way as I got stuck in a 45 minute traffic jam on the freeway. Other than that things were okay. Still looking for that fire that is probably burning.

Hope everyone is well and happy. Enjoy the summer. Ours will be short!!!


Bonnie: I want to share something great about last night. There is a young man with disabilities who is quite high functioning that likes to say he is a missionary. He takes the bus from his home to all of the MLCs and Zone Conferences. He is dressed appropriately and it's fun to see him. His name is Jimmy. He called Bob on the phone one afternoon and asked when he could teach his lesson! He told us last night that he will be released soon, in fact as soon as two weeks. We'll see if that happens! The elders treat him well. In fact, after all of the missionaries came to pick up their supplies, the Assistants to the President (APs) went on splits. After one left something fell through and the other AP was there by himself, except for Jimmy. He was so courteous and kind, and treated Jimmy like he would a good friend. It was very  heart-warming to see them together.
Today was very low-key, thankfully. I hope tomorrow we can go home before 6:00 pm so we can do wash and the shopping. It's always very busy on Saturdays to do those kind of things.
My love to all,

Love, Mom/Bonnie

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