Friday 26 June 2015

June 26, 2015

Bonnie: Well, today seemed like the children's story "Alexander's No Good Very Bad Day"! (Moms, did I get that right?) I was printing flyers for the ESL classes that the missionaries give. Some of the phone numbers have been changed so I carefully changed the number on the top of them and proceeded to print them. The problem was I forgot to change the numbers on the bottom of the flyers. When I realized what I had done, I called to Bob to help me stop the printer. That led to a break-down of the printer, along with my computer and me as well! We finally got everything fixed, thankfully. I think I will replace some paper in the office! Then, I received the Staple's order of the tape needed to put up the flyers.  We needed 30 rolls of tape and I thought that's what I ordered. What I didn't know was that 1 means 6 rolls of tape! So, 180 rolls of tape were delivered. We should have enough tape now for 6 MLCs!! The good thing was that we left early for a change, about 5:35. We had a quick dinner and then went for a walk. We found some more walking tails across the busy street of Queens. I'm so glad there is a small part of nature close by. It really helps to calm my nerves.  And I finally had the time to clean the apartment tonight, or most of it, at least. Tomorrow we have no pressing things to do, other that the shopping which I will do in the morning.  I love week-ends!
May your week-end be glorious and wonderful.

Bob: Did a bank deposit today for the first time. I was gone for over an hour. The bank is 9 miles away and there was a short line of business customers. The regular customer line had 16 people in it the last time I counted. I think I'll avoid the bank on Friday from now on. Getting the deposit ready took some time. The paper money in Canada is not paper now. It is plastic, and it is slick to count. And I had 83 twenty dollar bills to deposit. The accounting program is set up so you receipt in any money you collect. When you make the deposit you should be able to just total the receipts and go. But it isn't that easy when you get American checks or cash. Today I had to make a deposit for Canadian money and a separate deposit for 2 American checks. I receipted the American checks in. When I went to the bank they converted the checks to Canadian dollars which was trading at 1.2007 today. Then when I got back to the office I had to adjust the 2 receipts for the American checks up to match the Canadian equivalent amounts. Then I was able to run the deposit report. Kind of backing into your number.
It was good to get home earlier today. There is a nice subdivision across Queen Street. We only walked through a part of it today. We haven't had any exercise for weeks so after about 40 minutes we stopped by a small lake and just watched the ducks for awhile.
The weather has been very pleasant this week. Tomorrow they are forecasting heavy rains for southern Ontario and a high temperature of 17 Celsius (63 Fahrenheit). Sunday is more rain and a high of 15!! It has been a short summer.
Met the new owners of Elk Cabins last Sunday. The owners from last summer walked away from the business in December. I heard they are suing the previous owner for something or other. I don't think they had any idea how much work was involved with running a camp. I would be interested in hearing how the suit turns out.
Everyone have a great weekend. Enjoy your summer. Ours was great!!!

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