Tuesday 16 June 2015

June 16, 2015

Bob: Good evening. Hope everyone had a wonderful day. Our day started with a 7:30 meeting with the 12 new missionaries that got in early this morning. Poor souls had to fly all night from Salt Lake and then go through orientation, etc. today. Some of them didn't look too alert this morning. Bonnie and I gave our short speel and then we left to man the office.
Got to work and thought I would have a day to get the mail and bills out of the way and then spend some time catching up. As I was putting my things down on the credenza I noticed the stack of envelopes for the outgoing missionaries. I have to put their passport, their missionary photo and a cd containing the letters the individual missionary has written to the mission president during their mission. I have to download the letters and then burn them to a cd. All of them needed to be done by this afternoon!! So I start putting the pictures in first. No problem. Then I put the passports in. Oh no!! The missionary flying home to Hong Kong doesn't have a passport. I search to see if it has been filed incorrectly. No luck. I get Bonnie to help me look at each individual passport to see if it got labeled wrong. No luck. I decide I'll phone the missionary and see if he has it. We usually don't give them their passport unless it is absolutely necessary. And then we would make a copy of it and put the copy in the file. Low and behold, he has his passport. Don't understand why there wasn't a note or something in the file. Oh well, about 3/4 of a hour shot.
Now it's time to start downloading the letters and burning the cds. Do the first one without a hitch. Go to do the next one and my cd burner won't work. I tried several cds, but the same message kept coming up, 'Insert a writeable cd'. So I go to the other office people hoping someone else has a cd burner. Finally got one to use and finished up about noon. The assistants to the president come and get the envelopes about 3. Three hours to spare this time. Next time I'm going to start a few days sooner.
A little after eleven the missionaries start coming to the office. They keep coming and going for about 3 hours. Impossible to do any work as they have questions and concerns that need answered and they're just wanting to talk to everyone. It is fun to visit with them and see how they respond to our questions. But it is a lot of noise, confusion, etc. for about 3 hours.
Get done early enough that we were able to stop and get haircuts. I haven't had a haircut since I left Utah in April. I either had to get a haircut or a collar with an ID. The haircut was probably cheaper. Told the barber I wanted it cut short, but leave enough to comb. The first shear she used was a number 8. She kept using a smaller one till she found one I liked. I settled on a 2. This haircut might last 6 weeks or more again.
Well I got to go to bed. First mate is already sacked out so you'll have to excuse any errors about. Bonnie isn't able to proof my comments tonight.
Love to all,

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