Thursday 11 June 2015

June 11, 2015

Bonnie: We just got home and it's 5 minutes to 9! I'll let Bob tell of his adventures today. I finally got the phones at the office to work with the correct voice message today. But what I want to share are two experiences I have had in the office. I am the one who does referrals. Yesterday I received a call from the Temple President. The temple is right across the street from the hospital. He saw a young girl who is 18 years old standing on the steps of the temple and went out to talk to her. She is in the psychiatric unit at the hospital for a while because of an abusive home. She looked at the temple grounds and angel Moroni out of her window and felt drawn to it.  She asked about the church and, especially after talking to the Temple President, wanted to know more.  The APs went to see her today. Then, an east Indian man came in today after he had bought a car from the church. He had to bring in the license plates. He said something about how happy we were all the time and that everyone in the office seemed to smile a lot. I said, "Sometime we will have to tell you why!" With that cue, Elder Erickson asked him to meet two young men who work here.  Out came the APs. What followed was a great discussion, general in nature, about the church. Before he left he gave us his name and phone number and told the Elders that they could come in to his Wild Wings franchise and he would feed them at a discount! I love it that people can see something different about us. I hope we will have more experiences like these. How I love the gospel of Jesus Christ! And how I hope that others can see a difference in me because I try to be Christ-like in my behavior.
Have I wonderful evening and day tomorrow.


Bob: Another adventurous day. The plans were to go to Brantford, empty the apartment, have lunch, make a quick stop at the Mississauga Ward to drop off some things and get back to the office by about 3:00. Took a little longer to get to Brantford than I planned on. And by the way, I didn't see Wayne Gretzky while in Brantford. So we emptied out the apartment. There was a lot of furniture, but the landlord said he would take all that we didn't want. So I left almost everything because none of it was very good and we don't have room to store more furniture. I told the Elders and Sisters (who came over to help clean the apartment) that I'd take them out to lunch. The Sisters have an appointment so they couldn't g. They had to go back to their apartment to change. The Elders were not from Brantford and they didn't know where we could go. So, the Sisters said to follow them and they'd take us to Wendys on their way home. As we left the apartment I put 'Wendys' into my GPS. It said 2 kilometres. The first turn we came to the GPS said go left. The Sisters went right. The next turn, same thing. I followed them wondering where they are going. We are meandering through an old part of town which reminded me of downtown Sistersville. We had to make a left and a slow car got between the Sisters and me. They are pulling away, but then I see them pull over. Good, they are waiting for me. When I get near them they jump out of their car, start running up the street and disappear around the corner. I pull over to wait. After a minute they didn't come back. The Elders drive past so I pulled out behind them. The first red light we come to the GPS said to go right. The Elders go straight, I go right. I see them turn in to a store. I figure they will follow. About 1/4 mile later we arrived at Wendys. I found out later that the sisters saw someone they had lost contact with and wanted to talk to him and that's why they jumped out of their car.
While we are eating the Elders ask, would you mind dropping off a couple of mattresses at some other Elder's apartment? I said okay. Where is it? They said it's only about 50 kilometres. That's okay as long as it's on my way. Sorry, but it was the opposite way!! So off we go. Finally get there and drop off everything.
So I'm off again to Mississauga. Should be there at 3:30 to meet with Elders, 2 sets of Sisters and Brother Beltran. I got there at the same time Brother Beltran did. About 10 minutes later the Elders show up. They say the Sisters are coming, but will be a few minutes. (I have come to learn that missionaries don't have a clear concept of what a 'few' is.) Got finished with Elders and still no Sisters. Everyone leaves and about 10 minutes later the Sisters show up. I go over everything with them and I'm ready to go. Then, they asked, "Brother Martin, would you mind swinging by our apartment and picking up the extra bed we have?" So off I go. Pick it up and start home. As I pass the Ward house (that's right, their apartment was in the opposite direction) I pull in to call Bonnie to say that I'm leaving Mississauga and should be there shortly. It's 5:00 now and I'm only about 20 minutes from our apartment.
So up route 403 I go. Traffic moving smoothly. The overhead marquee says '401 Collector and Express Routes moving slowly'. I think, I'm lucky I don't have to take 401. I'll take 410 and miss all the traffic. As soon as I hit 410, which starts right between the 401 Express and 401 Collector routes, traffic comes to a standstill. I'm moving a few feet and then I stop. Meanwhile, 401 on both sides of me is moving along at the speed limit. I figure the guy typing the marquee message must have been half asleep and messed up the numbers. I get to the turn off for our apartment and it is 5:55. Took 55 minutes for a 20 minute drive.
Only one more thing to do and I can get to the office. I need to get gas. Pull in the gas station and I thought it was Christmas time! Cars are lined up at the pumps in both directions and cars are just sitting all over the place. There is a Mercedes that no one seems to be attending to. After a few minutes a guy comes out and gets in the Mercedes and as he pulls out I pull in. I got the credit card out and it won't work!! Tried it twice. Says PIN recognized. Then says CARD UNAUTHORIZED. Have to use Bonnie's debit card account. Now I have to get the church to issue her a reimbursement check, another thing for the auditor to look at me cross-eyed about! Finally, at about 6:15 I get back. I'm taking Bonnie this Saturday and we are driving to Orillia to close an apartment up there. That's about 2 hours away. Can't wait to see how that goes.
One other thing. While I was away our upstairs renter called to report that the freezer on the refrigerator quit so everything thawed out and is ruined. Called my son-in-law who is my acting property manager to go check it out. May end up with a new refrigerator. Asked Bonnie what color she would want if we have to buy one. She said, "Well, if I don't buy white we'll have to get a new range, microwave and dishwasher too." After the way today has gone, what color do you think we'll end up with?
Hope everyone is having a great day and all is well.
Love to all,

1 comment:

  1. I'm tired just reading that. You guys are BUSY! But I enjoy reading about your adventures. Love you.
