Thursday 18 June 2015

June 18, 2015

Bob: Not a bad day at the mine. Left about 5:15 today. Could have left earlier, but we were waiting on 2 elders. They came over to our apartment and we traded couches with a couple on the 5th floor. The elders did most of the lifting. Once we finished we took them to the Pizza Hut next door. I told Bonnie that it was only pizza, but it was the best meal I've had so far in Canada. We left there and went grocery shopping, but we didn't have many things to pick up.
Bonnie is really pleased with the couch. It probably isn't in as good as shape as the one we traded, but it is leather and matches the other items. Tomorrow she is going to get a rug to put in front of the couch. We need to get some storage shelves also.
Didn't get behind today at work. Was able to get things done as they came up, plus get ahead on the bus passes I'll be working on next week. We will be out of the office Monday, so I want everything off my desk when we leave tomorrow.
I'm going to sign off now. Hope everyone is having a great summer. God bless all of you.

Bonnie:  As soon as I get my rug and we put up the picture in the dining room and some other things up in the master bedroom I will take pictures of our apartment. It's quite cozy!
I want to tell you about one of the Elders we took to dinner tonight. He is from San Diego and is the oldest of 7 children. He has tatoos all up and down his arms. He wears something over one arm to hide one of the tatoos, I guess. Apparently, growing up he was in a gang that wielded a lot of power. He was not active in church, of course, during this time. His aunt joined the church and saw what was happening to him and at great risk helped them move far away from the gang, to Idaho. He gained a testimony and decided to serve a mission. He's a great missionary. One day they were about 10 minutes from a meeting with the mission president and his wife and they decided to see who they could talk to. They saw someone walking down the street and ran after him. He turned out to be someone quite interested in the gospel. He's a very inspiring young man!
May all of you have a restful night tonight and a fulfilling day tomorrow.

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