Wednesday 3 February 2016

February 3, 2016

Bob: Another MLC has come and gone. I'll let Bonnie tell you about most of it. President Clayton asked us to serve the waffles for breakfast this time and not to serve them after the MLC is over. A lot of the missionaries are staying too long to eat and visit. He suggested we only serve them once a quarter after the meetings. So we'll make that change.
Wasn't too busy with extra requests today. There were a couple of phone problems and some reimbursement requests, but not many problems.
I asked Bonnie at 4:00 is she wanted to leave then, but she declined and said we needed to wait till 5. She had her chance! Business began to pick up and we didn't get out till just after 6. Then we had to stop at the post office. There were only 4 people standing at the counter being helped by 2 workers. Oh yeah, there were 8 people in line in front of me too. So that took some time. Then we went to the missionary apartment where the new couple will have to stay for a few days to check it out. It needs sheets and blankets for sure. Then we went to Wendy's to eat and finally to the car wash. Got home just a little past 8:00. So much for leaving early!!!
Been restful sitting and doing the checking account while Neil Diamond's greatest hits are playing on YouTube.
Weather got into the 50s today, but it will only be around 32 for a high the next 2 days.
Well I have to get ready for bed. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie: It was a crazy day. We should have been there at least 10 minutes sooner to begin the waffles. The Elders had to eat first because they had a meeting at 8:00. We served little bites of scrambled eggs, spinach and onion made in muffin cups. They were delicious. Along with that, we had the usual waffles, with all the trimmings (except we forgot the butter), oranges, and hot chocolate or apple juice to drink. Breakfast was a hit. And to say thank you, the sisters sang "I Know That My Redeemer Lives". Sisters Erickson, Cannon and I could not hold back the tears. Then, we had to get all of the supplies out. This took awhile, but finally, everything was ready. At lunch the sister that was in charge did not show up so the APs ran and got pizza for everyone. So, we had quite good meals today! My 2- minute presentation went alright. The next crazy time was after MLC was over, about 4. There are always lots of requests of various sorts that keep all 6 of us busy. That's what kept Bob until 6:00 tonight.
Tomorrow should be shorter. Part of the day I will be with Bob to look at new apartments for our new couple coming in on Friday. And we have to leave early because I  have a hair cut appointment at 6:30. Now, it's bedtime and I need a good night's rest. May all of us  have a good night's rest!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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