Thursday 11 February 2016

February 10, 2016

Bob: An interesting day at the office. For one thing I was looking at the Mission's financial statement for January and saw that we had spent over 55% of our annual budget for missionary travel the first month. Thought something might be wrong with that. Looked at the last couple of month's expenditures and January looked normal. Then I looked at the budget and saw that it had been cut by over $100,000. Called Salt Lake and asked about that. They took a look and said 'Oops, we left a 1 off the front of the number'. They are going to correct that.
Went to get the king size bed out of storage and put it in our apartment and move the queen size bed out of apartment to the Backus' apartment. So we got the king size set up in our apartment, but couldn't get the key to Backus' place. The listing agent finally called tonight very apologetic about forgetting, etc. So he bought the key over to Grace tonight. I told Grace to get us 2 days refund on the month of February because we couldn't get in. We'll see how that goes.
Had some missionaries call me and say they had received an eviction notice and that they had to either pay a bill or be out by Feb 16. I think the problem is there was a rent increase last September that was never recorded. The most current paperwork I have for that apartment is a rent increase Sept 1, 2014. Missionaries said they faxed me something about it in December, but I never got it. Of course they didn't follow up either and they don't have it any longer. Left a message on the property manager's phone.
It is getting colder. Today's high was only 29. It's only 16 right now with a low of 7 forecast for tonight. High for tomorrow is supposed to be 18 with snow showers. Further north of us had snow squall warnings for tonight. Oh well, we'll just have to sleep close together in our new king size bed.
Hope everyone had a wonderful day. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie: I'm not sure I can even find Bob in a king-sized bed! For our early night tonight we got home about 7:00 pm. We had to stop at Costco and also get gas. Then, because I was in a hurry to eat, I burned the soup! It didn't taste too bad, but I've learned a lesson about how to reheat homemade soup! I also found two sets of queen-sized sheets for the Backus', plus they can have our comforter, shams and bed skirt, and maybe two decorative pillows. Bob thought the comforter would work on the king'sized bed, but it looks pitifully small on it. It's supposed to be dry-cleaned so we'll do that tomorrow.
We had two very sad phone-calls today from the father of one of our sister missionaries, and the mother of another one. They are good friends with another sister missionary who was serving in one of the Pennsylvania missions. A bus did not stop at a stop-sign and rammed into the back of the car carrying four sister missionaries. The driver, our missionaries' friend, was killed instantly. They were on the cheering squad at their high school together. President Clayton will talk to them--actually, I'm sure he has talked to both of them by now. How those families need the Lord's blessings! I'm sure that's one of the hardest things a mission president has to do.
On that somber note, I will close. May we feel our Savior's love tonight and always!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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