Saturday 20 February 2016

February 20, 2016

Bob: What a beautiful day we have had. The temperature nearly got up to the mid-fifties. Won't last long, but what a breath of spring air we have had. It was a slow starting day as most Saturdays are. But I finally got moving and did a 3 mile walk on the treadmill. I think I got out of the shower and dressed around 11:30! The retirement life. Wish it could have started sooner.
Bonnie went to a Relief Society function from 1 to 3 with Sisters Erickson and Budgett. Elder Budgett and I finished putting together the kitchen cart/table Bonnie got at IKEA then we went to Wendys for our lunch. I think we got back about 2:30 so I thought it appropriate that I take a nap. To think of all the years that have gone by and I thought I had to be doing something. Sure have missed out on a lot of naps!
This evening the Budgetts and us went to Caffe Demetre across the street. They have some delicious desserts. Bonnie and I split 'The Fork Awakens'. It was a Belgium waffle with salted butter pecan ice cream, honey roasted pecans, Belgian mile chocolate sauce, butter caramel sauce and extra whipped cream. Yummy!!
Better get to bed now. Love to all. Hope you have had a wonderful day. We will be getting up early and leaving just before 9 for a 10 am baptism. Good night brothers.

Bonnie:  It has been a wonderful day. The Relief Society activity was excellent. We heard from the Stake President's wife, the Temple Matron and Sister Clayton, our mission president's wife. Each sister had a unique perspective about women and the priesthood. Dear women, we have the potential to have everything our Heavenly Father has to give to us, no different than the men. How He loves us! I just wish more YSAs were able to attend this activity.
It's late and, as Bob wrote, we have another baptism to attend tomorrow, which requires that we get an earlier start. May all of us have a wonderful, spiritually-uplifting Sabbath Day tomorrow.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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