Thursday 18 February 2016

February 18, 2016

Bob: Had another good day at the office. Got a lot of things done and off my desk. Transfers are coming up Monday and Tuesday. Working with the Assistants to figure out where we need to put extra beds, where we can take beds from, which companionships will need extra bus passes, and who will become new leaders. Hopefully we can accomplish all these things tomorrow.
Don't know if I posted the pictures below or not. Sorry if I am repeating them. These are pictures taken of Reader, WV, the town I grew up in. The photographer, Bryan Lemasters, took them several years ago. He said the winter scene was taken on Christmas Eve, several years ago. They were both taken before the Shortline Elementary School was built.
Well I had better get to bed. Bonnie will her comments too. Love to all and good night brothers.

Reader in Autumn

Reader in Winter

Bonnie:  Aren't the pictures above beautiful? It will be fun to decide where we will hang them when we get home.
Today went well, although I hope we have enough supplies left for transfers on Tuesday. I may order some things tomorrow, even though they won't get here for about a week and a half at least. By then it will be MLC, though, and I will most likely need them!
It was fun visiting with all of the missionaries today. President Clayton has all of the newest missionaries, who have been here their first six weeks, do a session in the temple (with their companions, of course.) The day starts with a two-hour meeting with the APs and the Clayton's, then lunch at the mission home, then the temple session. Afterwards, they come to the mission office, most of them anyway, to get supplies. We could see the maturing that has already occurred. It's a miracle! So, it was busy answering questions, ordering name-tags, picking up boxes of Books of Mormon and other supplies, dropping off medical receipts, picking up packages and mail, and a myriad of other things. We loved it! It's energizing to be with them.
Tomorrow night we have an appointment with Grace, our super-talented sister who gets us apartments. We will be taking her out to dinner afterwards, and hopefully talk to her about the Book of Mormon. She was given one by the Jensen's a while ago. She already has faith in Jesus Christ. I hope it works out. Going out to eat on a Friday night is somewhat of a crazy proposition. Bob called tonight to make reservations at Red Lobster, and they said they don't take reservations on the week-ends! I'm sure there will be a wait. We'll let you know tomorrow night.
My love to all,
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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