Monday 15 February 2016

February 15, 2016

Bob: Got home just before 10 from FHE. Had Sean and Belinda as passengers. Jessica Gavito gave a great lesson tonight on the power of the atonement using Bruce R. McConkie's last General Conference address as her main source. She did a really great job. And after her lesson Roni Assaud played the last 2 or 3 minutes of the talk so the YSA could see and feel his emotion in giving the talk. I will always believe that this talk is one of the landmark talks ever given in Conference.
We met with the Clayton's today and had business as usual. About 3:00 one the A/Ps came into my office stating that they needed another apartment in the Markham area and they need it for next Thursday. Called the realtor and asked her to find a few listings and send them to the Z/Ls and then set some viewings. We'll see how it goes.
Paid the rent today. We are paying for 128 apartments now. Hard to believe we need another one but this will give us apartments for 2 sets of Cantonese missionaries.
Well I have to go to bed. Hope everyone has had a great day. Love to all and good night brothers.

Bonnie:  It was a blast watching the YSAa play floor hockey. There are some really good players!  Bob treated us all to a Wendy's frosty on the way home, too.
Today at the office was kind of frustrating because it was a  holiday in Canada as well as the US so I couldn't call Salt Lake City about questions I have. I also needed to call FED EX about a bill we received from them. I have no idea what package it is for. So, that call will happen tomorrow, too. And first and foremost I need to do an order online in preparation for Transfers next Wednesday. I would have done it today but I couldn't find a pamphlet that President Clayton wants me to order. It means another call to Salt Lake City. At least I got 7 baptism packets ready to go, with Sister Cannon's help. She also did the name tags for me. So, a few things were accomplished.
I hope everyone enjoyed their President's Day holiday today in the States. I am saddened to learn of Justice Scalia's death. May there be wisdom in whomever is chosen to replace him!
Love, Mom/Bonnie

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