Sunday 23 August 2015

August 23, 2015

Bob: We have had a very enjoyable Sabbath day. It started out great as we woke up without an alarm going off. I was able to go for an hours walk while Bonnie was preparing macaroni and cheese for the Munch 'n Mingle. It didn't look like ordinary macaroni and cheese as there was a crusty top on it. I actually ate some, and with a little tangy salsa it was pretty good. Only had one helping though. Looks like I'll have to cut back on my chips and sweets as my new suits are a little too tight. Seems like I have that problem every time I am in Canada. One time I gained 9 pounds in one week when I came with Bob Shreve, Ron and Elwood Wilson. Of course we ate lots of potatoes, biscuits, etc.
We went to Bishop Finnigan's house this evening for a devotional. He spoke about the necessity for obedience and going to the temple. Everyone sat outside on his wrap-around deck and he stood at the corner so both sides could see and hear. He emphasized that the Lord is aware of everyone. He told a story about a young man from Tonga who wanted to serve a mission. He was assigned to the California Fresno Mission. His Mission President then assigned him to labor in Patterson, California. 13 years before that this young man's sister came to America and the family had not had any contact with her. No one knew where she was. Well his sister was now married to a Polynesian and she was pregnant. They had talked about how they were going to raise their child. She wanted to raise him as a Mormon, but her husband insisted he be raised in his religion. Finally her husband told her, "I'll consent to you raising him as a Mormon when your brother knocks on our door." A few days later, on Thanksgiving Day as they were sitting down to eat, there was a knock on their door. When she opened the door she stared at the face of her brother, but still not sure it was him. Then seeing his nametag, she ran to him and threw her arms around him. Her husband was later baptized and the child is being raised as a Mormon. The Lord knew where this sister was, had the Prophet assign the Elder to Fresno and then had the Mission President assign him to Patterson. Moral of the story: The Lord knows where each of his children are.
May your week be filled with happiness.

Bonnie:  We've had a nice week-end. I'm thankful for all of my blessings. I love the young people we serve in the YSA Ward. One young man who was baptized in March said how hard it was to know what to do in some situations because he had no LDS role model to follow. He is the pioneer in his family because he is the only member. We learned tonight that many of them take the bus to church. So, not only are they the only member of their family, they don't have a way to church unless they take the bus. I think that requires deep commitment, don't you?  And there was a beautiful musical number again today in church. This sister has a gorgeous voice. I hope she sings often.
Tomorrow will be kind of crazy. I want as many of the MLC orders filled as possible, plus we have our regular responsibilities. Both the Ericksons and us will have to leave early because of the pot-luck dinner for the Senior Missionary Couples at 5:00. I will have to take part of my day to prepare some special deviled eggs that have avocado in them. I didn't do it tonight because I was worried the avocado would go dark. Tomorrow I have to follow through with a referral, too. The person that gave it to me called back on Saturday, wanting to know how it went. So, tomorrow I will call the missionaries and then call the person back. He is really anxious that his friend be contacted as soon as possible. I am so thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. My Savior has blessed me in countless ways.
May He bless you, too!

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