Sunday 2 August 2015

August 2, 2015

Bonnie: My favorite time of the week is Sunday morning. I can really relax and take my time reading the scriptures. Yesterday began our 31-day Book of Mormon Challenge. Bishop Finnigan wants all of us to read the entire Book of Mormon in the month of August! It works out to about 17-18 pages a day. That's a lot of reading in one day! I will be reading on the way to the office and at night before bed.
We have had some beautiful days here in Toronto. It's not been too warm and the humidity has not really bothered me. Of course, being in the office I have to deal with the air conditioning and I always need a sweater!.
I am so impressed with our Mission President and his wife. They truly love all of the missionaries and will do all in their power to help them fulfill their callings as special emissaries for the Lord. This week-end shows how much they care--taking an Elder across the border to get him seen by a doctor, not getting into the ER until after 10:30 pm, spending the night, and leaving early in the morning Saturday to try to make it back for the special baptisms for the dead by the new converts. As Bob said, they had problems at the border because the Elder was from Figi and he had an uncommon visa. They got to the Temple about half way through the baptisms. The Elder seems to be ok, thankfully.
And it was really fun last night. We really like this game, called "The Great Dalmuti". We are going to buy it for future family gatherings. We need something other than Pit and Mexican Train. The hats make it especially fun.
May everyone have a restful Sabbath, honoring our Savior, Jesus Christ, especially as we fast today.

Bob: Has been a good day. Went for an hour work this morning. Crossed the street and walked around 2 lakes just north of us. Added a little side trip to make it last an hour. My longest walk yet. I think it is helping as the new suits still fit and actually feel a little bit better than they did when we first got here.
In Testimony Meeting one young man told about how he was so determined to get a sports scholarship to college. He trained and played all through high school. He graduated this year and got his scholarship. He was so happy. Then he began to wonder if that is what he really wanted. Anyway, to summarize, he told his coach he would not be playing this year as he was going to serve a mission for his church. He is so happy and enthusiastic about going. He will be leaving later this year.
As I sit here writing I am looking out the windows of the solarium and lightening is flashing. It really lights up the sky.
This week will be very busy as I need to go to Orangeville to sign a lease, and spend 3 evenings at the storage shed giving away some of the items. Tomorrow night Brother and Sister Ludlow are having their monthly dinner for the senior missionaries in the area. They have been hosting the dinner once a month for several years. It is a fun get together. She always has a little gift for each sister too. There are about 9 or 10 senior couples here in the area. They also invite a few of their personal friends.
Hope your Sabbath Day has been great.
Love to all,

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