Wednesday 12 August 2015

August 12, 2015

Bob: Not much going on today. Just busy trying to keep up with apartment problems, accounting duties and giving away some items from the storage shed. Got home about 6:30. After supper we went for a walk around 8:15. I needed a jacket. Doesn't look like summer is a long term thing up here. Still comfortable in the morning when I walk.
Bonnie and I are headed to Richard's Landing next Tuesday to close an apartment. There isn't much to get so it should fit INSIDE the trailer. Google says it is 6 hours and 45 minutes or 662 kilometers. I believe it's very picturesque and beautiful there. We will be staying the night and looking the area over. Half of the trip will be new country for me.
Closed out July's expense charges today and everything looked good. Didn't have to go back and hunt for some items as in the past. Getting better as time goes on.
Everyone around here is developing pennant fever as the Blue Jays are making a real run for the baseball playoffs. I think Canadian football is going on too now, but I never hear anything about it. Of course there is usually some hockey news.
Hope everyone is having a great day.

Bonnie: The morning started out quietly, but just as we sat down for lunch in came several Elders and Sisters. They were coming in after specialty training with the APs and the Claytons. It usually means that I need to be around to answer questions and help them do things. So about 45 minutes later I got around to eating lunch. I love it, however. I had a call tonight from a lady who found one of the Sister's planners on a shelf at Walmart. Inside each planner is a sticker with mission information on it. So she called with her name and phone number so I could relay it to the Sister who lost it. Maybe it will turn out that the woman wants to know about the church! Tomorrow I will be putting some new supply labels out. It will be nice to get the supply shelves looking better. I always worry that I won't have enough supplies for the missionaries. I did get 100 planners, which is a "hot" item and I expect 100 more any day now. They are only to get 3 at a time, but they still go fast.
May your day tomorrow be bright and beautiful as it was on our walk tonight!

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