Sunday 26 April 2015

April 26, 2015

Bob: Everyone is up and enjoying their morning donut!! Although some are growling about sugar and calories, etc. everyone seems to be enjoying the treat.
No one got up early as we played a game of Mexican Train that kept us all up till about midnight. We don't need to discuss who won!!
Michelle sent me a text this morning that Cooper is being ordained a Priest today. We are so proud of him and wish we could be there. Looking forward to getting a picture of the new Priest. Have to get ready for church and then the drive to Arcadia. Will post more later tonight.

Arcadia: Took about 2 hours from church to get here. The further south we go the hotter it gets! I don't know about my companion, but I can't wait to get up north to a little cooler weather.

Bonnie: We had a very nice church service at Scott and Lori's ward this afternoon. It was fun to talk to the other young missionaries today. I love to see people's reactions as they see us with our name tags.  Some turn away real quick and some acknowledge us with a smile and nod of their head. I'm so thankful for the experience of a mission, even though I don't know how good of a job we're doing!
We're at Ed and Lorraine's now just about to sit down to a real West Virginia meal of potatoes, biscuits and gravy. Yum!

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