Sunday, 8 January 2017

January 8, 2017

Bonnie:  We've had a lovely Sabbath Day. The Elders and I went with the RS President to see two acquaintances of hers, possible potential investigators. Then, Bob and I went to visit our friends the Villneff's. His car is not working and Sister Villneff said he walked to the grocery store. We decided to try to find him to give him a ride home. We actually found him just as he was about to leave the store! We brought him home and had a good visit with the two of them.
Bob wanted to try a  new recipe for roast beef today. He invited Brad over for dinner. I will let  him tell about what happened. Brad stayed to talk for awhile and now it's getting late. The bed is calling!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Sabbath Day.
Love, Mom/Bonnie

Bob: Let me tell you about the roast beef. Found a recipe on-line that said 'Super Easy'. Followed the directions to the letter. It was supposed to come out 'medium'. It was blood rare. It was so under-cooked in the middle I could barely cut it with our sharpest knife. We managed to cut off 5 pieces and then seared them in a skillet so we could eat them. The vegetables were supposed to cook for 45 minutes. We had them in for 1 hour and they were still not quite cooked enough. Does anyone reading this blog have a good recipe for roast beef?
While Bonnie, Sister Ng and the Elders visited the potentials I went with Brother and Sister Gunnell to take the Sacrament to Sister Huywan. When we got to the nursing home they were not allowing any visitors because of a flu outbreak.
Well it's time for bed. Going to try swimming in the morning. Love to all and good night brothers.

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